Enemy from your past

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James never felt anything like this before. It was a different feeling. A strange feeling. Yet a somewhat soothing feeling.

As he continued to rub upon Stacy's smooth skin as she laid on his chest still asleep he wondered what this was between them

Was this a one time thing ? or was it more ?

Did he want it to be more ?

Did she ?

All of this was new to him as he's never done this before. Participated in a relationship. It's always been about the mission. Stopping Ultron. Rebuilding the world. Keeping it Safe. Hell he just lost his virginity for crying out loud !

So now James was just left with a confusing state of mind. One that wasn't lasting as long as he felt Stacy stir awake causing his thoughts to stop

He felt her hand slightly rub up and down his chest before looking up at him causing them both to smile

Immediately Stacy began to Chuckle causing James's suspicion

"What's so funny"

"Am I your first ?"

A blush appeared across James's face

"So what if you were"

Immediately James had come to regret telling the truth as Stacy let out a loose laugh only adding onto James's embarrassment.

Luckily a kiss from Stacy made it better

"All things considered you were good for your first time"

"You think ?"

"Well that depends. Might need a refresher course" Stacy teased making James smile before soon enough their lips connected

Sadly the sound of their balcony window being swung open made them jump in bed and tense up only to reveal James's aunt Yelena with a duffel bag strapped around her

"Sorry to disturb.....whatever this is ?" she said in a tone of confusion

Even though a smirk appeared on her face James and Stacy were too toned by the fact that she was covered in blood ?

"Who's blood is that ?"

"Ehh some guards, Some men, Viktor's"

"You killed Viktor ?" James said

"Mhm, wanna see his head ?"

"NO !" The two yelled in unison only making Yelena snort

"And your supposed to be Natalia's child, whatever get dressed and get your gear were leaving"

"Where ?"

"Scientist, I found where the Serum is being made. So we're gonna go there and destroy the lab. Perfect opportunity to kill Savva"

Both Stacy and James's interest was peaked as they turned back to look at the Blonde making her way to the bathroom

"Savva is going to be there ?"

Yelena nodded her head

"Yep, he's supposed to be testing the Serum to see if it's ready. So if we get him. He can tell us where the Red Room is and then we can finally take it down. Now stop having sex and get up"

With that Yelena closed the door shut leaving the two in bed







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