Frostbite vs Captian America

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"Alright well what's our Stage of Action? We still have no clue where this Stacy lives or if she's still even in the State let alone the country. There's too much ground to cover" Azari said

"We're just gonna have to wait until we hear another sighting of Frostbite. Wherever she is we'll attack. Fan out until we find her. But for now. Let's get some sleep regroup back in the morning" James said in which everyone agreed

Soon enough they all broke out into their separate corners of the Helicarrier off doing whatever
Unknown to the teams how do you spell knowledge

They bed a stowaway as Stacy had been hidden inside the air vents roaming the ship freely without anyone knowing
"Goodnight Director Rogers"

"Good night Agent Bradley" James said as he waved off the leaving Agent before retreating back in his office

Slumping in his chair James had gotten back to work as he began to dig in the archives while he was working on a pet project he had been developing

"Alright read it to me J.A.R.V.I.S. Give me everything about Uncle Bucky's daughter" he said as he plucked the flashlight in his mouth as he went to work with the screwdrivers

"Stacy Barnes is a rather Hidden case sir. By the order of Captain Rogers he requested that same Barnes removed off file"

"Sounds like the old man, alright well any weakness her mother had ? If we're gonna be going against a telepath I wanna know what we're facing. How do we crack her Diamond form"

"With enough pressure applied Ms Barnes Diamond for can be cracked forcing her to revert back to normal"

"Great, now all we have to do is find something strong enough that can crack Diamonds. Really wish we had a Hulk"

"I'm sure Ms Thorsdottier will be up to the task"

"Heh, I guess so-"


Snapping to the door James was quickly alerted as he heard what seemed like the sound of metal being pounded apon

Rising from his chair slowly James grabbed his Shield strapping it too his arm as he spoke

"J.A.R.V.I.S, elert Francis, Azari, Pym and Torunn we might have a intruder"

"Already on it sir"

Stepping out his office James couldn't see much as the Helicarrier had shut down to rest mode leaving the moonlight and his office the only light peering. So James had to be quiet and careful about his steps as he walked on high alert

The whispers of the night at their high ata

The sound of the whistling air at their high attitude made him quickly snapback turing to face the ever growing darkness of the Helicarrier just to find nothing

With his non Shielded hand he brought up his wrist containing his bracelet as he spoke

"Guys, meet up at my off-

Quickly James ducked as he last minute dodged a sharp object that was shot towards him hitting the wall

Peeking from his Shield James slowly looked up too see Frostbite emerging from the Shadow's walking slowly and somewhat seductively as her heeled boots cladded on the metal ground

"Stacy Barnes" James said as he rose to his feet

Frostbite didn't talk through the white mask covering her face

"Silent huh, great"

James was as a Diamond blade emerged into her hands making him quirk an eyebrow

"Ok now your just showing off"

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