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Walking into the Breakfast area Azari sat with Torunn, Pym and Francis with a heavy sigh

"James still in the gym" Azari said in which his friends all nodded their head

"He's taking our Loss harder than he usually would with any other criminal" Torunn said

"Maybe because this isn't just some random Criminal. This is the daughter of his Father's best friend, his uncle. He's gonna take this loss harder than the other's. It's like when me and Pym found Elena and got our ass kicked the first time around"

"I wish there was a way we could help him"

"There is Pym, were doing it just let James punch his anger out like he usually does"

The team sat in silence for a while saden by the unfortunate events but that's when Pym remembered something that will probably lift Azari's spirits

Pulling out a paper form under his seat pym handed it too Azari with a smile on his face

"Here" he said adding onto Azari's confusion

"What's this ?"

"Read it to find out" Pym beamed making Azari smirk


Unraveling the Paper it was revealed to be some sort of test results and Elemental compounds for some sort of metal.....

Azari's eyes went wide as he just looked back at Pym


"Yeah" he replied with a grin

"Is this....."

Nodding his head Azari's suspicions were confirmed making a huge smile appear on his face as he rushed too hug the little man causing him to laugh


Francis and Torunn just sat there in confusion as the 2 continued to celebrate

Soon enough Azari had put Pym down as they looked over the paper

"Ok so the Metal is called Vibranium which i'm sure you already knew. But get this. Your Father's suit and tech was made out of the same Metal. Vibranium is also said to be the strongest metal on earth doing a whole lot of other cool stuff overall that little sample you have is nothing compared to what your home has"

The news grew an ever wider smile on Azari's face as this was just all great to him

"Great ! then I know where i'm going next, J.A.R.V.I.S. give me the location to Wakanda"

The words that escaped his mouth caught shock to everyone as they didn't expect such a sudden request

"Woah woah woah ! wait a minute-" Francis began but was cut off by the AI

"Sorry Azari, But the location of the homeland of Wakanda was cut off and severed after Ultron's rain. The place went into hiding ever since no one knows where it is"

"Damn.....well I guess we'll just have to find it ourselves then, Pym-"

"Ok Brother, slow down" Torunn said

"This is all great and all you finding out about your heritage and all but we can't just put all hands on deck with this. We still have so much work to do"

"Put Torunn-"

"No puts Azari, plus even if we had people too look of SHIELD you would still need James's authorization to even begin an investigation about this, and he's not in the best of moods"

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