Truth be told

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Opening the door Elena was immediately greeted with Francis's charming grin

"You look goofy"

"And you look disabled" he snapped back as she let him in

Walking into the small apartment Francis was immediately greeted to the sight of take out food maps and Elena's daredevil gear all splayed out on the dining table

The couch seemed to be her domain as she took over the couches with blankets and sheets all over but what really caught Francis's attention was the planned out heist board with notes and such all displayed on the board

"Nice setup you got"

"Yeah well not all of us have high level technology and a spacecraft"

Francis didn't take offense to that because well it was true

Looking around the apartment Francis continued to have his hands in his jackets pockets

"Where's your friends"

Elena was going through some article as she responded not even trying to look up at the archer

"In the back, still sleep. Where are yours"

Francis let out a blow of hair from his mouth

"Shit I don't know. Kinda had an argument. I wouldn't be surprised if they all left the Helicarrier for some air like I did"

"What you guys break up or something"

"Or something" Francis replied making Elena raise her eyebrow

With a small sigh Francis ran his hand through his hair

"Alright Elena, why did you call me here ?" he said ready to get straight to the point

Reeling back from the dining table of work and set ups Francis had taken his hands out of his pockets and rested them across his chest as he watched Elena leave the table

Following her gaze Francis watched as she went over to the couch and picked something up

"Last night me and the girl busted an off market traffic raid. They were selling what seemed to be weapons. Sure enough he stopped them. And in possession we got eyes on this"

Throwing something at Francis the platinum archer immediately caught it

It seemed to be a handle of something honestly it reminded him of the dark saber from that old series star wars

"Twist the handle" Elena said and Francis did as told

Immediately a retractable sword sprouted out making Francis go wide eyed in shock as he honestly wasn't expecting that to happen

"Cool blade, who's it ?"

"Yours" Elena stated

Immediately Francis had a shocked reaction and a blasted look of confusion on his face

"What ?"

Walking to the dining table Elena picked up a news article and showed it to Francis before she said

"Ever heard of the Ronin ?"












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