Into Space

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Ever since Franklin showed the team the Spaceship Pym and Franklin have been getting everything in order for the Space travel. Preparing all the right tools sets and list of devices needed to collect

And the list well....It was a doozy

"From what me and Pym could collect and research from Scans and Information around the galaxies consist of just some of these artifacts your gonna need to find"

Pym tapped his tablet and a screen appeared upon the team with a list of weapons and things

Things like a Hammer. Not the one like Torunn's father this one was different it was more elongated at the hilt giving it a definitely longer frame almost like a Bow Staff. But at the tip the hammer curved giving it it's powerful end

"Ronan's Hammer" Franklin Began

"After the Guardians Defeat Ronan the Accuser. Finally took his chance in claiming the Galaxy all for his own. Granted his dream didn't last long as the news that all heroes died spread among the universe like wildfire and soon Our dear friend Ronan met his end and so did his Hammer"

"So where's it now ?" James asked


Looking upon the Screen the team looked to see Franklin showing them some type of Alien gambling planet within a distant Universe

"In a different star section far from Planet Earth is where you guys will find your first assignment. Your missions easy intercept this auction get the Hammer and once you do put it back on the ship and I'll give you further instructions from there"

Granted the plan sound simple enough and easy and the idea of going to space sound interesting James was still hesitant

"Ok easy yes. But we can't spend the next month zipping around Space on some intergalactic treasure hunt ? were the Avengers, EARTH'S Mightiest Heroes. We still have a important role to Earth to protect it"

Nodding his head Francic agreed as he continued to twirl an arrow within his hands

"Rogers is right, Space hunt sounds fun but we are not the Guardians. I'm not gonna lock myself in a spaceship for the next month eating artificial food just because you have a hunch"

"And I assure and promise you, You won't. All you have to do is Gather some missing artifacts just enough to keep out of enemy hands for a little bit"

The team shared looks with one another everyone had also noticed how important this seemed to Pym as he gave his best puppy dog eyes to everyone most importantly James

And with his arms folded James rubbed the brink of his nose and sighed

"Ok if AND ONLY IF we said yes what would be the conditions"

A smile Immediately grew on Pym and Franklin's face
"4 people would be chosen to fly into outer space where from there I would pilot your ship and give you your coordinates, after that it's a piece of cake you would get the weapons bring them back to the ship and Pym will guide you in what to do next"

"Im guessing a slots already filled as Pym is going" Francis said

"ARE YOU KIDDING ! A CHANCE TO GO TO SPACE WHO'S GIVING THAT UP ! . Plus you guys are gonna need someone to pilot the ship"

"Ok that leave 3 slots left any volunteers"

"Im out" Torunn said

Immediately everyone wasn't so thrilled with the team's powerhouse opting not to go but before anyone could say anything more Torunn continued

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