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Rubbing her stomach Matt continued to smile brighter than he ever could hold as Elektra just chuckled

"It's still 3 months away"

"And I can't wait" he murmured kissing her stomach

His soft lips on her stomach made Elektra smile as she looked at the ring on her finger. The shining wedding ring was beautiful. All of this was beautiful, and she couldn't wait for any of it

The rain continued to hail down outside. The heavy drops slapping the outside as the windows reflected off the sounds

Thunder struck only signaling it more that it wouldn't stop

Raising his shirt up Frank looked at himself in the mirror. A bruise with some sort of injection scar planted on the right of his ribs making him sigh

Every day he felt his body grow weaker. Every day he knew the end was going to come sooner or later

Frank always knew he was gonna meet the big man one day. But he thought it would be in a blazing fight. A final frontier to defend what he loves. Not some virus

Pulling his shirt back down thunder struck again as when he looked at the mirror in the living room once again he saw Elena standing right behind him making him sigh

Her hair was wet as she held two crumpled up papers in her hand. Her face was a face he knew to well as it was a face of anger and hate

"You lied to me"

Keeping his same expression he continued to look at her through the mirror


"YOU LIED TO ME !" she shouted immediately throwing her Sai at the glass mirror

Moving his head with an evade the metal weapon hit the mirror breaking it as Frank let out a cough before speaking

"Elena wait"

The girl didn't listen as Immediately she charged at him throwing a punch connecting to his bearded face before another left swing. An attack he blocked

"Elena, wait. Let me explain" he said as he grabbed her arm locking it close to him

Her face was even more pissed off closer

"EXPLAIN WHAT ! THAT YOU WERE ON KINGPIN'S PAYROLL ! THAT HE PAID YOU TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT THE NIGHT MY PARENTS DIED ! DID YOU HELP BULLSEYE KILL THEM !" finishing her sentence with a headbutt Frank groaned as he was forced to let go of Elena giving her the chance she needed to kick his lower leg before landing a kick straight into his chest launching him back onto their coffee table breaking it

Letting out a series of coughs Frank attempted to get up but was stopped when Elena planted one of her knees on his hand before revealing her Sai pointing the bladed weapon straight to his eye

"Give me a single reason why I shouldn't kill you right now" she growled

Even with his anger and aggressive tension pointed towards him Frank just chuckled

"Haven't gotten my ass kicked like that before since your old man, feel's....nostalgic"

A sigh escaped his lips

"Red, you may think you know everything, But I promise you, you don't"

Gripping her Sai tighter Elena spoke

"So tell me"

"Elektra's pregnant"

Matt sensed the smirk on his face as Frank just continued to sip his beer in the bar

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