The Devil

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It was a normal night in Neo New York. The sun was down and the moon was up. The stars over the city grew bright. As everyone minded their business at night.

Civilians and even criminals

So it was expected that some low lives would be in some old busted drug house preparing the next batch as they continued to get high and talk over the things low life criminals do

Standing outside the closed door that hides the secrets of the manufactured drugs stood a giant man. Not the giant type that is big and bulky with sharp cutted abs and such no the giant as in they shove whatever they can eat down their throat and weigh over 300 pounds of pure fat

Granted it's a good job. The guy quite Literally gets paid to just stand in front of a door and listen to music or be on his phone

And like usual nights. Nothing happens

He would spend some time watching the dull hallways lights and other's he would just look at the empty hallway

So find it strange when he comes to 'work' one night and a hour through he sees a dark figure with the most devilish crimson eyes he's ever seen

Looking around the area the man raises an eyebrow hoping the the figure would go away but when he notices the devilish figure getting closer he takes off his headphones

"Hey, beat it confidential business going on here"

The figure doesn't even bat an eye as it just continues to emerge closer and closer to him

"I said beat it unless you wanna get cut"

He feels more powerful when he pulls out the silver switchblade from his pocket but as the Dark Figure gets closer to him he watches as the Figure reveals a Sai immediately making him gulp
"How much does the Boss want us shoveling"

"At least a quarter of what we have"

The men groaned as one placed a cigarette in their mouth

"Jesus, does he want us to get caught ?"

"You guys think the rumors are true ? that he's.....dying"

It took a small second for everyone to look at the man before going back to work. Truth was no one wants to speak badly about the Boss dying. Last thing they need is him sending a hit on all of them because they are talking on his name

"Heey were-"


Immediately everyone flared to the ground as the sound and weight of the door crashing down grabbed everyone's attention

Turning back looking at the door frame stood a dark figure with devilish crimson eyes

Everyone in the room was scared shitless out their minds especially as they noticed Lennie laying on the ground with blood seeping away

Getting up to their feet the men all started to attack grabbing knives and poles they could find nearby ready to strike the dark figure

Swinging at the shadow the man was immediately met with a block then a few quick punches to the face before the dark figure grabbed his head slamming it into the door handle

Everyone watched in horror as the figure just cracked it's knuckles
In the nearby apartment a small group of men all raised their eyebrows as they heard a racket and commotion all going on outside grabbing their attention as they all shared looks before rolling their eyes and grabbing their guns

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