Careful who you trust

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Time had passed seconds, minutes, hours, so much time that for once in her life a deep feeling ran through Cat that maybe she wouldn't get out of this one

Trust and believe she's gotten out of many predicaments of imprisonment in the Kyln

But this time.....this time it isn't looking so good

She would occasionally look over at James weather it was towards her dumb newfound feelings or whatever the fuck he was to her or for answers on how to escape but all she would get was him looking at his cuffs

He was so hot with that serious expression on his face. The sharp cheekbones tightened with his expression. His perfect eyebrows matched perfectly with his hair-

Shaking her head Cat told herself to snap out of it

'This is why you can't escape, you're too busy glossing over James. Keep it together you literally just met today !'

Seriously what the hell was wrong with her. She's had no problem seducing people to get what she wants but all of a sudden she meets Captain America and Black Widow's son and she falls her her knees so what if he's cute and muscular and soft spoken and the way he talks is so mature that-



"GAH !"

A strong groan escaped from James as Cat was suddenly snapped back to reality when she turned to see James slipping out of the Nova cuffs around his hand

A look of shock was stolen from her face but even more so her eyes shot up higher when she saw his gloved thumb broken

"Holy shit ! James" Cat said as she wasted no time rushing to the young man

"It's fine" James groaned as he took the cuffs off

Cat just watched in amazement as he easily broke free from Nova's cuffs. Their power damning so she wouldn't be able to slip out of them

James Rogers truly was something else

"Nova's regulations were like the ones on earth. And luckily thanks to a long study of video tapes watching my Mother I learned just the perfect maneuver-"


"GAH !"

Cat painfully winced when she saw James pop his thumb back into places

"In how to dislocate my thumb to escape captivity"

"How many times did you break your hand until you learned how to do it"

James just slightly laughed as he used his Widow Bite to help Cat break free

"Let's just say I'm lucky I heal fast"

Immediately when the cuffs dropped to the ground Cat felt her Mutant genes surge through her signaling to her, her powers were back in action

"Alright now that we're back in action stage 2 let's get our weapons back and escape this police station" Cat said before immediately yanking James's arm pulling him towards the bars

"Hold on tight" Cat warned as she grabbed one of the bars in a tight hold

James didn't need to be told twice as he grabbed Cat before soon enough her and James's body parts became intangible phasing them through the bars as they easily walked through them going to the other side

Letting go of James both their bodies soon formed back to normal granted it took James longer to restore the feeling of having his limbs tangible again than Cat who was used to it but once they were free they were off

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