What if theres more than just us ?

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"So we're really doing this"

James watched as Francis shot another perfect Bullsye in the firing range

"Do we really have a choice, either we go on Franklin's space scavenger hunt or we let every bad guy in the known galaxy gather every cosmic weapon there is" James said before throwing his shield once more watching as it bounced off the incoming holographic targets destroying them all

"Yeah yeah I know that but...." Francis sighed running a hand through his platinum blonde hair before groaning

"But Space was never really our territory, Even before hand our Parents never touched space, Besides Captain Marvel or Torunn's Dad"

Behind Francis's words James knew there was truth behind them

"Your right" James stated before dropping his shield to replace it with a pistol

"But we have to now. Times changed were on our own"

James began to fire away hitting headshot after headshot on each target while Francis just bit his lip before grabbing another arrow

"You ever think"

"About what"

"Maybe we're not all that's left" the archer said before firing another arrow destroying the hologram

"What do you mean"

"Well, Stacy for one. We thought we were the only Heroes Kids left but she comes out of the Blue and reveals that's not true. Now she's on her own personal hunt to find other mutants and reform the X-Men. Or Elena, she took over her Fathers Mantle as Daredevil and her friends Danielle Cage and Lucy Rand Daughters of Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Iron Fist and Misty Knight. They reformed The Defenders"

"What are you getting at here Francis" James said as he reloaded his gun

"Think about it. We're the Next Avengers, Stacy's reforming thr X-Men and you even said it yourself that she's trying to make The Next X-Men. And Elena, Danielle and Lucy made the Next Defenders. I'm saying maybe we're not the only ones left maybe....maybe there's more out there than just us"

The words Francis spoke hit James like a truck as with his final shot James disassembled the firearm befoe dropping it to the table below

A long pause was brought between the boys one that made James truly think as Francis thought with him

"Look I'm just saying with all the newfound discoveries and the amount of heroes that got together would it truly be too crazy to think there's more out there that we don't know about yet ? What if the Guardians decided to have kids ? I mean Gamora and Richard Rider did have a fling"

"Yeah but Richard Rider died in the reality where Death was know existent"

"Yeah but then he was brought back after the Annihilation War" Francis said making James groan as now their discussion was in full effect

"James seriously this can be our chance-"

"At what Francis !"

"At being things bringing things back to the way they were !"




James's words brought a loud boom throughout the training room as right on air Azari, Pym and Torunn came in right in the midst of their conversation

"As long as our Parents stay dead nothing will be back to the way they were. Ultron made that clear when he killed the age of heroes. The sooner you realize that. The Sooner we can all move on to honoring their legacy"

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