Can't spell team without me

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Stuffing things within his bag Azari tried to move quickly and in silence

The lights were out within the Helicarrier and Azari knew this was his only chance to get off the ship unnoticed and undetected

He had grabbed a couple light things. Clothes, the tablet and map that contained to Wakanda and most of all the singular bottle of Vibranium Pym founded in the heroes archives

When he finished with his bag he slung the item around his shoulder and began to head out turing the lights off within his room before leaving

Truly when he began his walk towards the Helicarriers teleporter so he could get to ground level of new york the young prince began to think

He was truly giving up a lot for this

On his part this was a huge misstep to leave the team on their own without him

But on the other hand he was done being left in the dark about his past. And he needed to know everyone understood this was something he needed to do

He was off his game and this was gonna set him straight

But as Azari continued to walk down the halls he let out a quick sigh reliving the feeling. Knowing he was leaving his team in the dark

Leaving his family in the dark

That was wrong

Really wrong

He almost wanted to turn back. To drop this bag right now and head to bed where he would wake up to his team

His team who was also currently fighting and bickering among one another for better judgment. A team who also was taking space from one another

That final notice right there said it all as Azari grabbed his bag together clapped his mouth shut and kept walking

He was doing this. He was gonna find his home or it'd be the last thing he do


Immediately a shiver was sent down his spine as he went wide eyed.

He was genuinely shocked with fear within him as he really couldn't move

One word. One statement. One notice stopped it all as he knew this was it

Slowly turning around Azari held his breath hoping whoever caught him wasn't James

But he slowly eased off when he saw Torunn's confused expression

"Oh....hey Tor"

"...Azari...what are you doing ?...and ? why do you have that backpack ?..."

Azari only held a blank expression trying to fish for an answer but he sadly wasn't sad enough as Torunn had connected the dots too quickly. And Azari easily noticed when her face lit up

"YOUR LEAVING !" she damn near shouted making Pym freak as he rushed towards her covering her mouth

"SHHHHH !" he shushed gently pinning her to the wall before looking into the Hellicarrier's black abyys

Holding his breath Azari sighed when he realized no one heard her shout so slowly he let go of her covered mouth before sighing again

Looking up at the Asgardians face Torunn wanted answers

And Azari knew he had to give them

"Ok ok ok ok ok ok" he spoke

"Look I was leaving-"

"I KNEW IT !-"

"But. it was gonna be quick, in and out. I already know where I was going"

Torunn didn't like that answer as she just groaned

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