Avengers vs Mutants

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"So let me get this straight"

"You're the daughter of Emma Frost and the Winter Soldier ?"

"Correct" Stacy said

"Your the daughter of Gambit and Rouge"


"And your Laura Kinney, Wolverine's clone"

"Daughter" Laura growled

Looking at the 3 girls sitting on the opposite couch Rachel was the first to attempt to break the small awkwardness of the situation as she coughed before smiling

"Well it's great to meet you all-" Rachel tried but was eventually stopped by her older brother

"What do you want" Nate said cold and stern as he had his hands crossed in the couch

Stacy just lightly chuckled as she reached into her bag pulling out a file with a X logo on it

"I'm....we're recruiting mutants. Banding together to reform the X-Men"

Immediately when the name drop left her lips Rachel smiled brightly

Stacy continued as she opened up the file revealing pictures and data of each of their parents or other X members Cyclops, Jean Grey, Storm, Colossus, Kitty Pryde etc etc but it also showed pictures every core members said offspring hence how Stacy knew about each and every one of them

"Now we're trying off small. Assembling kids of core members, Wolverine, Emma Frost, Gambit, Rouge, etc etc. you two were actually close to last on our list as now you can help us find other children. Now with your-"

"Were not interested" Nate said before getting up from his seat

The words hit Stacy hard as she just shook her head

"What ?"

"You heard us were not interested, thanks for coming bye" the door had swung open without anyone even there revealing he was indeed telekinetic but Stacy had her concerns when she saw the small red flashes under his darkened sunglasses

"I'm sorry but how could you not be interested ? we're giving you the chance to rebuild upon your Parents legacy ? restore what once was, Both your parents were two of the greatest mutants that ever lived and I come here with the offer to honor their legacy and you say no !"

Rachel soon stood up and nodded her head

"Yeah Nate, this is an opportunity of a lifetime. One we've been waiting for our entire life. This is just what we wanted !"

Rachel ultimately seemed more excited for their than her brother who just kept his arms crossed and held a stern look on his face

"We said were not interested so thank you for the offer but you can go now"

"If I may suga, we just represented you with an opportunity that has no backout cause so when we say you're in. your in"

That's actually the words Stacy didn't want to come out of Rebecca's mouth as the girl that could turn any solid matter into her own boom boom stick shouldn't be making threats right now

Nate's hands gripped tightly as the red flash underneath his dark sunglasses grew brighter making Stacy's stomach drop

"Is that a threat ?"

"Oh honey It can be whatever you want it to be either way you're comin with us"

Grabbing her staff from behind her back Nate's mouth formed a smirk one that made Rachel gasp

"NATE ! DON'T !" she tried to warn but it didn't stop him from taking off his glasses revealing his shining right eye before both eyes grew a bright red

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