Collectors Debut

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Everyone looked at James like he said something crazy but to be fair

He did

"Let me get this straight" Francis signaled

"You wanna offer yourself to the Collector. Less evil brother of the Grandmaster know hoarder of the Universe"

James nodded his head

"Your fucking insane"


"No ! No ! look James you've had some crazy ideas some that even worked, the team attack against the group of Hydra Soldiers awesome, deciding to face Red Skull and the Red Room on your own pretty cool, deciding to face Asgard's mot evil sorceress badass"

"Francis you literally just explaining why my plans always work"


"I didn't say I'd fully give myself up to him. I just meant I don't know maybe he'd find interest in my hair or something. I mean I am a walking science experiment here. The very fact and logic that I'm even alive breaks many lars of human anatomy"

Francis found himself rolling his eyes before placing his hands on his hips as he found this plan very crazy

And truly he thought the others would agree

But Pym ran the numbers in his head

"James is right" Pym said only angering the Archer

"The Numbers don't lie and since were flat broke and have nothing to give offering James as a second choice could give us something"

Francis had a Dead look of shock on his face

"You guys are fucking insane" He said only making Pym and James groan


"NO YOU SHUT IT !" Francis yelled at Sam making him quiet before he turned to Pym and James

"You 2 are crazy"

Alright James had enough of this

"Alright it's not your choice to make. I offer myself because it's my plan and I'm worth more than all 3 of you guys put together, you know how many people on earth would kill to even have a sample of my own blood maybe Collectors the same or maybe not either way it's our only choice so either you in or you can stay out here and wait so what's it gonna be huh ?"

Clicking his teeth in anger Francis and James found themselves in another intense stare down as Pym just sighed rolling his eyes

"It's always these two that pick a fight with one another" he sighed under his breathe

Glaring at James's sea blue eyes Francis knew he could never beat the Romanoff glare even if they were hid behind his mesmerizing eyes as he ultimately caved

"Fuck" he grunted before looking away making James smirk

"Alright Rogers you win what's the plan"

Looking at the Collectors Museum before looking back at the group James spoke

"Alright here's what we're gonna do"
EVerything Franklin said about this guy was true

Truly enough none of the kids knew what the Collector was truly about. All they really knew was what the History books told them in the battles they faced together against their parents so the fact that Clint Barton Himself labeled The Collector as The Universe's biggest Hoarder that's what everyone now saw him as

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