four - getting better

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getting better

EPISODE FOUR,getting better————

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FORCED TO GO back to cell block C, Ellie called out for Carl to let her in.

She walked to her brother, checking on him briefly before cautiously moving to the cell Hershel was resting in. Carol gently pulled the blood soaked towel away with a grimace.

"It has to stop eventually, right?" The short haired woman switched the towels, passing the bloody one to Lori.

"It's slowed down quiet a bit already." The Grimes woman reminded optimistically.

Carol sighed. "If we can get him through this-"

"When we get him through this." Lori correctly, the water from the sink turning a deep red as the blood was washed down.

"We'll need crutches." Carol finished. "Right now we could use some antibiotics and painkillers, some sterile gauze."

"There's gotta be an infirmary here. Think about how many riots and fights could have broken out." Ellie reminded them, leaning her palms again the lower bunk to see them.

"If there is, we'll find it." Lori nodded, using her cool, blood stained hand to press against Hershel's sweating forehead.

Carol looked at the Grimes woman solemnly. "You've gotta be worried sick about delivering the baby."

"Look at me." Lori was quick to dismiss her worry. "I look worried?"

"You look disgusting." Carol laughed lightly.

"So do you." Lori chuckled. Ellie smiled softly at the interaction, happy to have the mood lifted slightly.

"We'll get through this." The pregnant woman whispered. Ellie wasn't sure if she was reassuring the others, or herself.

"Is there anything I can do?" The Dixon girl spoke up gently. Carol and Lori shared a glance with a small shrug.

"I don't think so, honey. Just be ready if we do." Lori smiled tightly.

She then unclipped the riot gear from Hershel's chest, gently removing it from his body as he wheezed and gasped for air.

Maggie couldn't handle being in the room any longer, and Ellie watched silently as she walked to Glenn. The couple embraced in a tight hug, each using the other for reassured comfort.

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