eighteen - the run

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the run


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THINGS WERE GOING very well at the prison. With all the new people helping out, they were able to make the dank building feel like home. Everyone in the large group would agree it had been a very successful and prosperous few months after the war.

Carl walked down to the field, seeing his father already drenched with sweat.

"You didn't wake me up." The boy pointed out obviously.

"'Cause I knew you were up all night reading comics with AJ." Rick countered quickly. His son laughed slightly, looking in on the pigs they saved.

"What's up with Violet?" The young boy asked rhetorically.

Rick sighed. "Carl, I told you not to name them. They're not piglets anymore. They're food."

"Ellie and I just thought, you know, until..." He trailed off. "Okay."

"I don't know what's going on with her. Could be sick. Could be nothing." The cop turned farmer sighed. He clicked his tongue to get her attention. "Feel better, Violet." The Grimes boys smiled at each other.

"Come on, let's get to it." Rick motioned his son. "So, Ellie named her? You've been hanging out a lot?"

"Dad, stop." Carl chuckled awkwardly.

"Morning, dad." Ellie called out as her father passed by her.

"Hey, honey. How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderful now that AJ's with Carl." The two chuckled.

"Good morning, Daryl." Another man called, drawing the archers attention.

"What's up, Dr. S?" The Dixon man bid goodbye to his daughter and stepped away. Ellie followed him as everyone else, mostly women, said hello.

"Smells good." Daryl ignored them, taking a bowl of food from Carol gently.

"Just so you know, I liked you first." The short haired woman flirted, causing Ellie to snort a laugh.

"Stop, both of ya." The Dixon man hide his smile. "You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too."

"Not recently." Carol shrugged. "Give the strangers sanctuary, keeping people fed, you gonna have to learn to live with the love."

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