twenty-one - coughing blood

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coughing blood

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE,coughing blood————

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ELLIE WAS NOT happy when she saw Hershel hobble his way into the cell block.

"Hershel, what the hell are you doing in here?" She leaned against the railing of the upper level, coughing harshly between her words.

"I'm here to help." The Greene man answered easily.

"Help-" Ellie tried.

"Go lie down, Ellie. You need to rest too." He cut her off, not even glancing up as he continued through the hall. Ellie wanted to argue, but she didn't have it in her to.

Shuffling back over to the wall Glenn sat against, the Dixon girl flopped next to him, sliding to the floor heavily.

"Hershel's in here?" The Rhee man panted in question. Ellie just nodded.

"He's masked, but it doesn't matter." She then coughed into her elbow, splatters of blood now staining her shirt.

But before she could say anything about it, the brunette snatched the empty bucket next to her and began emptying her stomach. She felt as Glenn pulled her hair from her face and patted her back gently.

"You two alright up here?" Hershel's fake leg thunked on the metal heavily. Ellie held her thumb up with shaking hands.

"Yeah, never been better." Glenn added on to the sarcasm. The farmer sighed, dropping to his knee and pouring some of the Elderberry tea into cups for them.

Finally, Ellie was finished coughing her dry heaves. She turned slowly, wiping her mouth as her head fell back on the concrete wall.

Hershel pushed a cup to her, watching as she and Glenn drank as much as they could.

"I'm fine." Glenn coughed, grabbing for the railing. "I'm fine." He tried his damndest to pull himself up, but he knew he was too weak, so he sat back down with a huff.

"Yeah, sit down. You're too sick." Ellie patted his shoulder.

The older Greene man put a cool rag on both of their heads. "Keep this on your forehead. Veterinarian's orders."

Ellie snorted a laugh that quickly turned into a coughing as she held the towel down.

Glenn sighed. "This sucks. After everything, we just get taken out by a glorified cold?"

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