twenty-three - aftermath

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CARL STORMED OFF as they came across a street. His sadness was morphing to anger, as Ellie's does.

Unfortunately, the Dixon girl wasn't able to fall down that hole, she couldn't let her mind go crazing thinking about all the ways her father and her brother could have died.

And she didn't want to let her mind delve deeper into the thought that the rest of the group, the rest of her family, could be dead.

So, she distracted herself in supporting Rick, literally, and helping him to walk.

"Carl, slow down. Please." She called to the boy who didn't even falter at her words. "Carl, come on."

"Carl, stop!" Rick raised his voice, finally getting the boy to stop. "We need to stay together. We got to find a place with food, supplies." They finally caught up with him.

Rick placed a bandaged hand on the boys shoulder. "Hey. We're gonna be..." He trailed off as his son stared at him with a blank expression. He brushed his fathers hand off his shoulder, storming away.

"It's okay." Ellie readjusted her hold on him. "He'll come around, he needs to grieve."

Rick nodded. He knew that, he just didn't want to see his son in pain. "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect. Don't worry about me, okay?" The Dixon girl urged them forward.

Finally, the three of them came across a building at the end of the street. Ellie swung the front door open, Carl holding his gun at the ready as Rick leaned against the wall.

"Okay, you go left I go right?" The Dixon girl glanced to the boy. He nodded firmly, ready to clear the place when Rick jumped in.

"I'd rather you two wait outside." He slurred.

Carl scoffed. "You wait outside and we'll clear it. I mean, I could do it myself anyway."

"Excuse me?" The Grimes man raised his eyebrows in challenge.

"Rick, you can't stand on your own and you probably have a concussion." Ellie stepped in before Carl could make it worse. "We got this, don't worry."

After killing a single walker, the trio split up to cover more ground.

"Turns out the kitchen wasn't empty after all." Rick shuffled back towards them. "My haul, you?"

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