twenty-nine - the feast

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the feast


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ELLIE LAYED A think blanket out along a pew, placing her bag on one end as a makeshift pillow.

"Okay, come on, AJ." The Dixon girl patted the seat with a smile. It had been so long since AJ had a good, restful nap. And now that they were surrounded by walls and a roof, he was growing tired by the second.

The Whiting boy sat down next to his sister, lying back with his hand on the bag. Ellie pulled the blanket over his body and moved to crouch next to him.

"Good?" She tucked the blanket under his arms securely.

"Yeah, thanks El." He yawned, snuggling into the pew. Ellie smiled, placing a light kiss on his head before standing up and going to find Carl.

"How'd you survive here for so long?" Rick asked the Father, still suspicious of his innocence. "Where did your supplies come from?"

"Luck." Gabriel chuckled nervously. "Our annual canned food drive. Things fell apart right after we finished it. It was just me."

Carl walked forward, taking his sister into his arm. "Come on, Judith." He mumbled.

"The food lasted a long while. And then I started scavenging." The man continued. "I've cleaned out every place nearby. Except for one."

"What kept you from it?" Rick pushed. Ellie listening in as she went to assist Mimi in pushing a pew.

"It's overrun." Gabriel said.

"How many?" The Grimes man urged quickly after, the two girls sharing a glance and slowing their movement in order to hear better.

"A dozen or so. Maybe more." The Father shrugged. The leader glanced back at his people.

"We can handle a dozen." He promised.

Sasha walked forward. "Bob and I will go with you. Tyreese shoukd stay here, help keep Judith safe."

"That'll be okay?" Rick asked the buff man.

Ty nodded quickly. "Sure. You ever need me to watch her, need anything for her, I'm right here."

"I'm grateful for it." Rick walked forward with a nod. "And everything else."

"I'll draw you a map." Gabriel tried to walk off, the leader stopping him quickly.

"You won't need to. You're coming with us." Rick stated. Gabriel smiled nervously.

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