Ellie and AJ were a hell of a team. Having to adapt and travel the post apocalyptic world alone was one hell of a way to grow up. After loosing the...
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STANDING IN A circle, Oscar sighed heavily. "How do you know we can trust her?"
Beth scoffed. "This is Maggie, Glenn, and Ellie. Why are we even debating?"
"We ain't. I'll go after them." Daryl was antsy to get his daughter back.
"This place sounds secure." AJ reminded them, he too was anxious for Ellie's sake. He sat next to Carol who was easing the new baby to sleep quietly.
"He's right, you can't go alone." Rick nodded towards the boy.
"I'll go." Beth instantly shrugged.
"Me, too." Axel stepped next to her.
Oscar shifted on his feet, locking eye with Rick. "I'm in."
"Then I'll go too." AJ stood, walking down to them. "I wanna get Ellie back."
Daryl popped the trunk of the green SUV, immediately tossing his bag inside.
"I got the flash bangs and I got the tear gas." The Dixon man spoke as Oscar walked behind him. "You never know what your gonna need."
AJ and Carl walked to the car, each carrying heavy bags.
"Oh, hey." Daryl took one from his found son, tossing it into the trunk before glancing at the boys. "Don't you worry 'bout your old man. I'm gonna keep my eye on him." Carl nodded softly. "In return I need you to keep AJ here safe, alright?"
"Alright." The Grimes boy nodded.
"Why can't I go?" The Whiting boy grumbled before Daryl could walk off. The Dixon man sighed.
"You and Carl gotta watch over the baby and the women." He crouched down to the boy. "I know you wanna get El back, I do too, but I gotta know everyone here will be safe while we're gone, okay?"
AJ sighed, looking at his shoes. "Okay." Daryl nodded, standing up and patting the boys head.
"You're a good man, AJ." He walked off quickly.
As Beth pushed the gate open, the new woman limped out and glanced around the main yard.
"Wasn't this place overrun?" She spoke calmly, squinting against the sun.