Special Chapter: 3 years later

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(A special chapter for me as this means it's been 3 years since New Era ended. I can only hope that this chapter is good enough for 3 year younger me to be proud of. Regardless, as always, hope someone enjoys the chapter)

Yuta paused at the door to the resturant that he was standing in front of. He glanced back down at the phone in his hand and read the notifications from the group chat. Shiki, Lucina, and Ama were already inside and waiting on him. He felt his heart increase in pace as the thought of seeing his friends again made him worried. Had they been successful in a years time? Did they have significant others? Yuta felt like he was the only one that hadn't changed.

In the end he opened the door with a smile. Regardless of how much they changed, no matter how much they grew up, in the end they were friends. Yuta walked closer to the front desk and asked if a group of three, two woman and a man, about the same age, had come by. Before the waitress could answer him, he heard a shout from across the resturant.

"Ah! It's Yuta! HEY! OVER HERE!" Lucina stood up and leaned over the table, forming a tunnel around her mouth with her hands. She had on a white sweater with a black overall dress, black leggings, and brown loafers. Her blonde hair was tied back into a high ponytail and kept her pink tips. Overall she resembled the her from three years prior, but more mature.

"Stop shouting before you get us kicked out!" Ama grabbed the collar of Lucina and pulled her back down in her seat, causing the girl to yelp like a pup. Ama had on a black and red pullover, ripped jeans, and boots to complete her look. Her hair was fully black, removing the dyed red tips and grown longer with it still spiking her the end.

"Heh, looks like I worried too much for you two. Good to see you again, Yuta." Shiki stood up, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, and held out his hand for a handshake. He wore a white sweater with a blue vest over it, black slacks, and dress shoes. Unlike the others his hairstyle had changed from his younger self. It looked similar to a bowl-cut and he pulled it off better than Yuta had seen from some others.

"It's really good to see you guys again." Yuta chuckled as he took a seat next to Lucina. She excitedly pushed her menu into his hands, stating that he could order whatever she wanted, that it was all on Shiki. Yuta turned to his best friend and saw the pleading look of despair on his face. He decided to go for something not too expensive.

"Can I get you something to drink?" A waitress walked up to the table of four, notepad in hand.

"Can I get a milkshake? Strawberry please." Lucina piped up.

"Water's good enough." Shiki said in an attempt to save his wallet from the carnage.

"Black tea." Ama's response was quick and simple.

"Coffee, and can I get half&half?" The three had turned their gaze over to Yuta, questioning him about his choice of drink. The only answer they got was a laugh and him explaining that it grew on him.

"So what's been going on with you guys? It's felt like ages since we talked." Lucian leaned back in her seat and stared up into the lamp hanging.

"Too true," Ama told her while pulling out a pocky stick. "Anywho, I'm taking classes for digital art."

"Really?" Shiki seemed stunned. "I didn't expect that from you."

"Oh really?" Ama got closer and gave the male a glare. "Then what are you, Mister Pretty Boy?"

"Modeling, surprising enough." Shiki pushed his glasses back up. This time it was Lucina's time to shine/be surprised.

"I totally see it! How come you never told us though? You could've gotten me some really good discounts on clothing!"

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