Chapter 10: Tag Battle

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Yuta was currently dashing through a luscious green meadow with plenty of trees to provide an ample amount of shade, his chest rapidly fell up and down as a stream of strained breathing poured out of his opened mouth.

"I hope they wait for me," Yuta wondered, hurdling over roots from the nearby trees, "This was a bad time for my phone to die," Yuta thought to himself, closing his eyes momentarily, but it was in that moment that he tripped over an unseen root and was sent tumbling forward. His backpack was flung off his shoulder and sent flying some feet away while Yuta himself landed on his back.

Yuta let out a groan as he pushed himself up into a seated position, grasping his head. "I need to be more careful," Yuta spoke to himself, removing his hand from his head to check to see if any blood was leaking out and thankfully none wasn't, so he pushed himself up fully and was about to continue before a voice got his attention.

"So you're Ryuki huh? You don't look like much," The voice said.

"Ryuki? It couldn't be," Yuta thought, walking towards the voice and into the closeby forest. When he arrived at a clearing he saw the same Ryuki he previously saw at Arsenal Card Shop, but now with two other people standing opposite from him.

"So what if I am?" Ryuki asked, his voice as cold as ever.

"Well, rumor goes around that you are currently undefeated," the second guy began before activating his bracelet duel disk. The bracelet's centerpiece expanded into the shape of a disk before three openings made themselves clear, the one on the right was meant to hold the deck, the one on the Northern end was for sending cards to the GY, and the one on the Southern end was for the spell/trap zone, "We'd like to change that," the second guy finished, prompting the other one to activate his duel disk.

"Fine by me," Ryuki said, activating his.

"Wait, he doesn't mean to fight them both at the same time, does he?" Yuta thought, "no matter how good he is, he can't defeat the both of them," Yuta finished his thought before rushing out from behind his tree and activating his duel disk.

"Huh, who are you you runt?" The second guy asked, a puzzled expression painting his face.

"The name's Yuta, and don't you think it's a little unfair to have a two versus one?" Yuta asked, looking over at Ryuki out of the corner of his eye, but when looked over to the Dragon Master he saw a tired, and irritated look in his eyes as the taller man peered down at him.

"Now hold up kid, this is between the three of us, not you," the second guy said in response, making Yuta back down a bit, thinking he made a fool of himself.

"Does it really matter?" The first guy began, "he doesn't even look that tough, and it's up to Ryuki anyway. Not like he can change the outcome of the duel," The first guy finished.

Everyone turned to Ryuki, making the senior sigh in response, "Fine, but don't get in my way." Ryuki stepped forward and raised his left arm to begin to duel.

Yuta nodded and turned towards the other two, "Sorry, but I'm gonna be a little more late than I thought," Yuta thought, stepping up next to Ryuki.

"Duel!" All four of them yelled.


Guy #1: Hand 5, Set spell/traps 0

Guy #2: Hand 5, Set spell/traps 0

Shared life: 6000

Ryuki: Hand 5, Set spell/traps 0

Yuta: Hand 5, Set spell/traps 0

Shared life: 6000


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