Chapter 20: Ama "vs" Ryuki

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"I feel sorry for you," Ryuki said as he stepped up to his side.

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean by that? It's not like you can defeat me that easily. I've been practicing," Ama responded.

"You don't think I know? I feel sorry for two reasons bow,"

Ama rolled her eyes. "What are those reasons?"

"Reason number 1: I'm your opponent. Reason number 2: You're underestimating me,"

"Really now? Well let's prove that in the duel,"

"Alright, but I'll give just this once to give up before you embarrass yourself,"

Ama let out a small growl from the back of her throat and sent a swear towards Ryuki before shaking her head. "WHO'S UNDERESTIMATING WHO?" She roared.

Ryuki sighed and raised his hand, showing one finger. "One turn. That is how much I need to win,"


Yuta and the rest of her small group of friends let out a small sigh as they saw the way she's acting.

"She is going to lose in one turn," Lucina said.

"Yeah, no doubt. Especially if she can't remain calm," Shiki added on.

"Not only that, but I don't think Ryuki is holding back. I've seen that look in his eyes when I tag dueled with him," Yuta closed his eyes for a brief moment and opened them. "I just hope she doesn't lose in one turn,"

*duel start: Ama's turn*

"I draw and special summon Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy in defense mode, then summon Barrier Statue of the Abyss! So now, since all your Blue-Eyes are light type, you can't special summon anything, but just in case you can somehow do that I'll play two cards facedown and end my turn,"

*End Phase*
Ama: Hand 2, LP 5000, Set S/T 2

Ryuki: Hand 5, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Ryukis turn"

"You're fatal flaw was assuming Blue-Eyes only had light monsters." Ryuki commented.

"What do you mean?" Ama asked, the smirk on her face disappearing.

"Anyone that has studied Blue-Eyes knows of a certain monster, and the one I'm about to introduce you to,"

Ama's expression went back to one of anger. "You're just talk! I activate Forbidden Dress on Barrier Statue so that it cannot be destroyed by card effects,"

(Barrier Statue: 1000 —> 400)

"Do whatever you want. The clock on your life points is ticking and you are on borrowed time. I activate two copies of Advanced Ritual Art to send to send two Blue-Eyes White Dragons and summon two Blue-Eyes Chaos Max Dragons,"

"Dang! I forgot those were dark,"

"You did, and now you pay the price of that oversight. By the way, you can forget about your Mirror Force, it won't work," Ryuki told her.

"Wait! How did you know it was Mirror Force!?"

Ryuki scoffed. "I didn't. You just told me and now I have no worry about that mysterious face down,"

*battle phase*

"Blue-Eyes Chaos Max number 1, attack Infernal Prodigy,"

(4000 vs 600)

Double Piercing Damage

(Ama's LP: 5000 —> 0)

*Winner: Ryuki*

"Like I said. You WILL lose in one turn, and even if you had a skill to reduce damage, my Anti-Skill skill would've just negated it."

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