Chapter 3: Dragon Master Ryuki

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On the smaller side. Chapters get longer.

"Alright, I'm going to go outside for a second." Yuta said, pushing his chair in and unbuttoned his black school jacket.

"Aw, but you're going to miss our match." Lucina said, looking up from her starting hand.

"It's only going to be for a while. I'm just getting some fresh air." Yuta told her, turning around and started walking towards the entrance/exit.

"Okay, take care Yuta." Shiki called out before looking back at his deck that was sprawled out on the table.

When Yuta made it outside he walked over to the edge of the crosswalk and sat down, his left arm resting on his raised left knee, and looking up at the clear blue sky with a content smile.

"Is there any reason you're sitting out here by yourself?" A clear and commanding voice said from behind Yuta. Yuta looked over his shoulder and saw a brunette male staring down at him; his head raised up slightly.

"I'm just getting some fresh air, that's all." Yuta said, standing up and turning around to look at him. The male was about a head taller, and he wore the same school uniform as Yuta, but in a royal blue color.

"Is that so? Whatever." He said, turning around and started walking towards the door of Arsenal Card Shop.

"Why'd you ask anyway?" Yuta asked, placing his hand on his hip and putting most of his weight on his right side.

"I was just curious, that's all." The male responded, not even turning around to look at him; just opening the door and walking in.

"What a strange guy, but he sounds so familiar. Maybe I have a class with him." Yuta thought, turning back around and sitting back down in his spot and stretching his limbs. "Whatever, it doesn't matter too much." He said to himself, letting out a deep exhale.

After a handful of minutes Yuta stood up and walked back inside and started to head back to his group of friends when something caught his eyes. It was the male from earlier playing Yugioh against another person, and a whole group of people whispering among themselves. Yuta walked closer to get a look and studied the field.

The second player had a Red Dragon Archfiend, Lightning Warrior, and a set facedown card. Meanwhile, the brunette had no monsters on his field, two cards in his hand, and the top card on his graveyard was Dragon Spirit of White. The life points were 4,000 to 1,000 in the favor of the second player.

"Hm, most people are saying that the brunette is most certainly going to lose, but I wouldn't count him out just yet. Afterall, I see he still hasn't used his skill card." Yuta thought.

"It's my turn now, and before I draw I activate my skill, Double Draw. I draw two times during my draw phase if my life points are 1,000 or less." The brunette drew twice, then smiled. "I activate Raigeki, this cards wipes out all monsters you control." The second player nodded and placed his monsters in the graveyard.

"Now, I activate Return of the Dragon Lords, reviving a high level dragon monster and the card I choose is Dragon Spirit of White, then when Dragon Spirit of White is special summoned I can banish a spell/trap you control."

The second player reluctantly banished his only set card, which was a Mirror Force.

"Next is Melody of Awakening Dragon, by discarding a card I can add two dragon monsters with 3000 or more attack, and 2500 or less defense. I discard The White Stone of Legend and add two Blue Eyes Alternative White Dragon." The brunette revealed the two dragons, then tapped the white stone.

"When The White Stone of Legend is sent to the graveyard I may add a Blue Eyes White Dragon to my hand from my deck." The brunette looked through his deck and then threw down a copy of Blue Eyes.

"Revealing Blue Eyes White Dragon to special summon my Alternative White Dragon, now I have a total of 5500 attack on board. I swing for game." The brunette said, pushing the two dragons forward. The second person let out a deep sigh and crossed off his 4000 life points, then wrote zero down on his paper.

"Good game." He said with a smile and scooping up his cards. The brunette simply just stood up and started to walk off, but saw Yuta standing there. The world seemed to stop around them and every other sound was dulled out. The two of them stood there facing each other. Neither of them spoke; Yuta stared into the taller brunette's amber eyes, and the brunette looking into Yuta's grey irises.

The brunette closed his eyes, snapping Yuta back to reality, and started to walk past him, only stopping at his left shoulder. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Yuta. Yuta Ito." Yuta told him. "What's yours?" Yuta asked.

"Ryuki Tanaka. Remember that name Ito." Ryuki continued to walk off, leaving Yuta alone. Yuta turned around to watch Ryuki walk off, but shook his head and walked off to meet back with his friends.

When Yuta made it back with his friends he noticed that Ama and Lucina were already done dueling and all of them had their decks sprawled out on the table, wrappers of opened packs in a plastic bag near the end of the table, and new cards on the table with copies stacked on one another.

"I'm assuming you guys are fixing up your decks?" Yuta asked, taking a seat.

"Yup. We even have a couple of cards for you." Lucina said cheerfully, reaching over to a big pile of cards and handing it over to Yuta.

"Thanks." Yuta said, taking the pile and reaching into his duel pouch, pulling out his deck and spreading it out on the table. "So, do you guys know a person among the name of Ryuki Tanaka?"

"Ryuki? Yeah, he's a part of our study skills class." Shiki told him. "He's that guy in the back desk and keeps to himself, so I don't blame you for not remembering him." Shiki added.

"Is that so?" Yuta raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but why do you ask?" Shiki questioned.

"I ran into him earlier, and was just curious because I thought I heard of him before." Yuta explained.

"Okay, but one thing you should probably know." Shiki started, grabbing Yuta's attention, "there's a rumor going around school that he's a dragon master. I don't know what that means, but I thought I might tell you."

"Dragon master? Maybe that relates to his Blue Eyes deck." Yuta thought, turning back down to the cards in front of him and started scanning through his various options.

When the entire group had finished fixing their decks; Yuta noticed Ryuki walking towards their table. "So, are you four done building your decks?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, who are you?" Ama asked, her eyes narrowing down into a glare at him.

"Ryuki Tanaka. If it's okay with any of you, I'd like to challenge one of you to a duel." He said, taking a seat right next to Yuta.

Everyone turned to look at the other, before Ama let out a deep sigh and grabbed her deck; moving seats to sit across from Ryuki. "Fine, I'll play you." She said.

"Alright, but before we get started I want to know your name." Ryuki demaded.

"Ama, or Amaterasu Sato." Ama told Ryuki as she began shuffling her deck.

"Alright Ama, let's see if you're the one strong enough for me to call my rival." Ryuki said under his breath. Quietly enough that only Yuta heard him.

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