Chapter 26: Ama vs Nirui

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"we both don't want to lose Ama. You to fight Ryuki and me to fight Silas again. If I win this then there is a really high chance I'll fight Silas again,"

"Enough talk. This has been dragging on for a really long time, let's just fight."

"Okay, but keep in mind impatience leads to disaster."


*Starting: Ama*

"I draw and activate Dark World Dealing! We both draw 1 and discard 1,"

Ama discarded Vanguard of Dark World while Nirui discard Malicious.

"Beiige Vanguard of Dark World special summons itself when discarded from a card effect, then I summon Doomcaliber Knight. I set a card and end my turn,"

*End Turn*

Ama: Hand 3, LP 5000, Set S/T 1

Nirui: Hand 5, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Nirui's Turn*

"I draw and activate the effect of Malicious from my grave to summon a copy from deck,"

"Doomcaliber Knight's effect activates. I tribute him to negate a monster effect,"

Nirui nodded. "Well what you forgot about Malicious is that it isn't once per turn,"

"I know that much, which is why I set this card. Fiend Griefing. I shuffle Malicious into the deck, then send a fiend type monster to my grave. I send Goblin King,"

Nirui gave another nod, this time much smaller, and glanced at his hand for a second. "I set a monster and end my turn,"

*End Turn*

Ama: Hand 3, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

Nirui: Hand 4, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Ama's Turn*

"I draw and summon Goblin King, then activate Monster Reborn to summon the one I sent to the grave. Now since I control two fiends they gain 2000 atk, and you also can't attack either of them, so I locked you out of your battle phase,"

*Battle Phase*

"I attack directly with Goblin King number one,"

"When Stygian Security is destroyed I can summon a level 1 fiend to the field. I summon another Stygian Security,"

"Second Goblin King attacks!"

"Stygian Security's effect summons yet another one when it's destroyed!"

Ama narrowed her eyes. "Turn end,"

*End Turn*

Ama: Hand 2, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

Nirui: Hand 4, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Nirui's Turn*

"I draw, then activate Pot of Greed. Next I tribute Stygian Security for Angmarl the Fiendish Monarch. On his summon I banish a spell card from my grave to add another copy of it to my hand. I add Pot of Greed and use it immediately,"

(Nirui's Hand: 5 --> 7)

"I activate Raigeki to destroy all monsters on your field,"

Ama nodded and slid every monster she had into the grave.

*Battle Phase*

"Fiendish Monarch attacks you directly!"

(Ama's LP: 5000 --> 2600)

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