Chapter 24: Maka vs Ryuki

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"You play a very interesting deck Maka," Ryuki said as he stepped up.

"Yeah, and you play a very boring deck," Maka fired back with a smirk.

"It gets results. You can't fault me for trying to win," He said with a bored expression.

"Yeah. I can't can I? Let's get this started though," Ryuki nodded in agreement.


*Maka starting*

"I draw and set four, then end my turn,"

"A very standard opening for you I bet,"

*Turn End*

Maka: Hand 2, LP 5000, Set S/T 4

Ryuki: Hand 5, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Turn Start: Ryuki*

"To start I activate Harpy's Feather Duster," Ryuki said as he slipped a card out from his duel disk.

"In response I activate Dark Bribe, negating the effect,"

*Ryuki's Hand: 5 --> 6*

"Okay. I activate Foolish Burial, sending White Stone of Legend, then since I sent it to the grave I can add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Do you have a reaction?"

"Nope. Go on ahead,"

Ryuki nodded and a card extended from his duel disk. 

"You already know I have Blue-Eyes White Dragon so I'll special summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon off the bat,"

"In response to the special summon I'll use Solemn Strike,"

*Maka's LP: 5000 --> 3500*

"You seem to love negating my stuff huh?"

"It's better than letting you OTK me,"

"That's true. I activate Bingo Machine, Go!!! I reveal three cards with Blue-Eyes monsters or Spell/Traps that list Blue-Eyes White Dragon or Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon on its card text, then you pick one at random and I add it to my hand,"

Ryuki revealed three Dragon Spirit of Whites and just added one of them, avoiding the random picking. 

*Note: Dragon Spirit of White is always treated as a Blue-Eyes card*

"Since it is treated as a normal monster in my hand I can use Ancient Rule to special summon it. Response?"

"Sadly not,"

"Alright, then I use the effect of Dragon Spirit of White to banish a face down. I choose your right,"

Maka let out a sigh and banished her Mirror Force.

"So let me guess, another battle trap?"

"I don't know. Why don't you attack and find out?"

Ryuki nodded.

*Battle Phase*

"I attack you directly,"

"In response I use Dimension Prison to banish your monster,"

Ryuki nodded then passed.

*Turn End*

Maka: Hand 2, LP 3500, Set S/T 0

Ryuki: Hand 4, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Maka's Turn*

"I draw for turn, then set two cards."

Maka had a distraught look on her face as she ended her turn. This game was practically over.  All she had to do was hope her set was enough to hold out.

*Turn End*

Maka: Hand 1, LP 3500, Set S/T 2

Ryuki: Hand 4, LP 5000, Set S/T 0

*Ryuki's Turn*

"I draw. This is going to be the final turn Maka. I activate Advanced Ritual Art to special summon Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon, then I plan to use Monster Reborn to special summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Do you have a problem with any of that?"

"No sadly," Maka took a step back as the two dragons rose out from the floor.

*Battle Phase*

"This is why Battle Traps aren't that effective. I activate Anti-Magic Arrows. This card stops any spell/traps from activating during the battle phase,"

"Hold it! I activate my skill S/T Negation. When my opponent activates a spell or trap effect while I have lower life points I can negate it,"

Ryuki raised his hand. "Skill Activate: Negate Skill. The name is self explanatory,"

Maka's expression softened and her shoulders slumped. 

"Good game Maka, but not good enough. Hopefully the next fight could be more pleasing," That last part Ryuki whispered out.

*Winner: Ryuki*

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