Chapter 5: Master of potential

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Yuta made his way through a local park that was blessed with friendly wildlife, and lucious green surroundings. Yuta's head hung low, watching the gravel floor slowly move past his feet.

"Something the matter?" Someone called out as a hand landed on his shoulder. Yuta gasped and looked up with fear clouding his vision, but he calmed down when he saw the male was wearing the same school jacket as him.

The person who asked the question stood at a modest five foot and eleven inches. He had a deep shade of brown on the verge of being black, and a friendly pair of amethyst colored irises. His hair consisted of two layers. The first layer was flat and running down the sides of his face and back until it stopped at his lower neck. The second layer ran from the back of his head over to the front, then curved back to the back at the opposite side, kinda like a V.

"Nothing. I've just got a few things on my mind," Yuta said, letting out a sigh and closing his eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"Not really. To be fair I don't even know you," Yuta explained.

"Oh, right. My name is Shinji Kanzaki. We share fourth period history together," Shinji explained, starting to walk alongside Yuta.

"Do we?" Yuta asked.

"Yeah. Ms. Stone right?" Shinji asked.

"Right. Sorry, I guess I never noticed you before," Yuta apologized.

"Don't worry about it. I didn't really expect you to remember me," Shinji told him, "well anyway, how are you?" Shinji asked.

"I'm doing pretty fine. How about you?" Yuta asked.

"I could be doing a bit better, but nothings bugging me right now. In fact, I was just on my way to duel someone when I noticed you. Would you like to come watch?" Shinji offered.

Yuta reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, clicking it on and checking the time before nodding. "Yeah, I got some time left before I have to head home," He said, slipping hs phone back in his pocket.

"Okay. The place I was supposed to meet him is just over this way. Come on." Shinji said, walking away.

Shinji lead Yuta down a pale bricked road and towards the lower section of the park where people with duel disks were dueling each other for fun and people at tables were playing various different card games ranging from Magic to Pokemon. Yuta looked around, his curiosity peaked. The grass had a silver gleem to it and the Earth beneath it was soft, but not muddy or soft enough to make you slide forward. The air in the place was a cool breeze that felt refreshing, and whipped Yuta's hair in all sorts of directions. Bordering the 30x35 duel park was a silver fence that reached up to Yuta's hips, and beyond the fences were trees with pale bark and faded leaves.

"I never knew this existed," Yuta said.

"Really? Well it is a bit off the beaten path," Shinji said with a big smile, "it's a good place for anyone with an interest in card games though. I've never met a single rude person here, and the air is refreshing and doesn't blow away the cards," Shinji continued.

"Anyway. That's the person there," Shinji pointed towards a blonde haired teen with his somewhat long hair brushed to the left side and framing his face. He wore a black sleeveless jacket with the collar reaching his cheekbones, and a navy blue shirt underneath.

"Hey Nirui. Over here!" Shinji shouted as he waved his right hand. The person named Nirui took immediate notice and smiled and motioned for them to come over.

"So who's the new kid?" Nirui asked.

"My classmate Yuta. Yuta meet Nirui," Yuta rose his hand and let out a 'hey' causing Nirui to smile and greet him.

"Anyway, ready to get this started?" Nirui asked, taking out his deck and placing it on the table.

"Yeah, get ready." Shinji told Nirui as he started shuffling his deck.

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