Chapter 7: A new girl and a friend

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It was the very next day since Yuta attended Shinji's fight, and was currently in a nearby park close to his parent's apartment complex. Yuta sat on a bench with a soft, pleasant smile. His eyes slightly closed and his head tilted up towards the Spring sun, which felt like a batch of warm, soft chocolate cookies that melted nicely in your mouth.

"Man, this is just amazing," Yuta said to himself as he slowly walked through the park he knew so well. His hands in his sweatpants pocket, and his shoes crunching against the soft bark that was moistened from yesterday's rain.

Yuta moved his head down and opened his eyes when he knew he was standing in front of a park bench, which he took a seat at and laid across it, his hands on the back of his neck.

"Sometimes I just need a rest like this," Yuta said, exhaling heavily.

"Yeah, that sure does look relaxing," a feminine voice said, causing Yuta to open his eyes and turn his head to the direction of the voice. His vision was slightly blocked because of the sun that had taken residence behind her head, but he could still see parts of her.

She had long crimson hair that resembled pure, untainted blood and it dropped below her waist line. She wore a red vest that was the same shade as her hair, and had it zipped up until it reached her breasts, and that revealed a white t-shirt underneath the vest. Further down she had light blue tights, and red sneakers with a white outline.

"Sorry, did you want to sit?" Yuta asked, sitting back up and allowing him to see her smooth, pale skin and forest green eyes.

"Not really. I just wanted to come over and say hi, but now that you offered," The girl said, taking a seat next to Yuta and causing him to scoot over a little to offer her some room.

"Well, nice to meet you. My name's Yuta Ito," Yuta told her, extending his hand. The girl let out a small giggle, confusing Yuta.

"Sorry, it's just I had a friend named Yuta once. My name's Maka, Maka Naru, if you couldn't tell I'm new to town," She explained, accepting his handshake.

"Oh, well I could show you around if you want," Yuta offered.

"No thanks. Even though I said I'm new, I lived here before, but only for a short moment. Thanks for the offer though," Maka explained.

"It's not a problem, but if you want any help, then I don't mind offering some," Yuta told her.

"Thanks, but that isn't an issue," there was a long pause before Maka picked it back up, "although I have one question. Why are you out here by yourself?" Maka asked.

"No reason in particular. I just wanted to get some fresh air, enjoy the sun. That kind of stuff," Yuta explained to her.

Before Maka could say something else a voice called out Yuta's name, and the voice seemed rather excited.

"Yo! Yuta!" They yelled, grabbing the attention of the two.

"Oh, it's you Silas. What's up?" Yuta asked, regarding him as an old friend.

Silas stood a head taller than Yuta, had somewhat long hair brown hair that he brushed to both sides of his face, and brown irises that resembled a peanut's shell. Silas wore a black blazer over his white shirt, and baggy dress pants that matched his blazer, he wore dress shoes and a loosened tie of the same color as well.

"Nothing much, I just saw you over here and..." Silas paused and looked over Yuta's shoulder and over to Maka, then looked back over at Yuta, "Woah, when did you get a girlfriend?" Silas teased, causing Yuta to heat up.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Yuta yelled.

"Yeah right, anyway, I'm Silas, nice to meet ya," Silas said to Maka.

"The name's Maka, and it's nice to meet you," Maka said, standing up from her seat and walking to Yuta's side.

"Okay, well now that you tow met each other what was it that you wanted Silas?" Yuta asked.

"Oh right. Well I saw you sitting there, and wondered if you would like to duel me, and Maka could join in if she wants," Silas offered.

Yuta turned over to make and she shrugged her shoulders, "Sure, afterall I find dueling an easier way to make friends. What about you Yuta? You gonna join?"

Yuta thought about it for a second before letting out a soft sigh and smiling again, "sure, could be fun. I'm in!" Yuta yelled.

"Good, now let's do this!" Silas said energetically. Silas, Maka, and Yuta all stepped a couple of feet away from one another, then held out their left arm in front of them and yelled "Duel! Start!" Triggering a bracelet to activate on their wrists and a black holographic blade to shoot out from the bracelet, and an opening on the bracelet's right side to appear, which they all placed their decks in.

"Duel!" They all yelled.

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