─ steve rogers

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TITLE: Angela or Angela the Avenger*
LOVE INTEREST(s): Steve Rogers
TIMELINE: Thor-Endgame-?*


dominque mcelligot* as

dominque mcelligot* asANGELA

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The Bastard of Asgard, that's what she'd always been called. King Odin's bastard daughter, the princess with no claim, the princess who would never be queen, King Odin's lasting mistake, the girl who shouldn't exist. Aldrif Odinsdottir had names hurled at her or whispered about her for her entire life. She'd always known who she was, what she was.

Once, before Aldrif was born, there had been Ten Realms instead of the Nine Realms everyone knew. The Tenth Realm was known as Heven and within it resided the Angels. King Odin employed the Angels to protect Asgard's borders but the Angels eventually turned on Asgard and war sparked between the two species. This war lasted for years until the Queen of the Angels managed to sneak into Asgard. And a year later, the Queen taunted Odin with a baby that she claimed to be his, threatening to kill it. When Odin refused to believe her, the Queen stabbed the baby in the heart before fleeing, leaving the baby she believed to be dead for Odin to collect after cutting Heven off from the other Nine Realms.

But she was not dead and Aldrif would carry the scar over her heart for the rest of her immortal life.

Years later, when her oldest brother is cast out of Asgard and her other brother is proven to be a Jotun, not an Asgardian, and taken as an infant by Odin, Aldrif feels the world around her, tenuous as it had always been for her, crumbling to pieces. While Thor returns to Asgard changed for the better, Loki is changed for the worse by the events that took place in his absence and this leads to them eventually losing him.

And when they are informed he is on Midgard, Aldrif accompanies Thor to get him back. But on Midgard she meets a man named Steve Rogers, Captain America, the man out of time. He does not care that she is a bastard or that she is half Angel (for he has a very different view of angels). He is the first person in a very long time to see her for who she is. In fact, most of Midgard is the same and she falls in love with it just as her brother had. But unlike her brother, when they capture Loki, she decides to remain on Midgard, not as Aldrif Odinsdottir, the Bastard of Asgard, but as Angela, the Avenger.


› I think this is the fastest I've ever finished a plot. When I said my mind was already running I REALLY meant it

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