Chapter 1: Get to know me

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So this is my very first fanfic. I hope you enjoy :) Picture of her hair on the side (this isn't her, just her hair)

The story I'm about to tell you found its beginning long before it was written. More specifically, it started when I was in high school.


The lunchbreak had just started and I was putting my books away. I was in no hurry as I didn't really have any friends who could be waiting for me, but it didn't bother me much. I knew I wasn't the most beautiful one, being a bit pudgy with more than a few pimples,but it didn't seem as that much of a problem to me. After all, everyone has flaws and what does it matter what others think, right?

I shut my locker and started walking towards the cafeteria. I had just taken a few steps when something hit my side and I flew against the wall. Looking up, I saw the people I loathed the most. There stood the 4 most popular boys in my school: Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry.

Liam was the tallest and had a threatening frame. He had light brown hair and a fringe. His eyes were a light brown colour too, always cold as ice when he looked at me.

Louis was shorter than Liam by about 3 inches. He too had light brown hair but his hair was a bit longer than Liam's. His eyes were a greenish blue that were now filled with hatred.

Zayn was the bad boy of the group. He had dark brown, almost black hair and matching dark brown eyes, which showed disgust as he held me against the lockers.

And Harry, oh Harry. He was the one I feared the most. Even though he wasn't the tallest, he had a strong punch. His hair was dark brown and curly, flopping around his head messily. His eyes were light green, yet when he was angry they were dark. These were the eyes that haunted me in my nightmares. 

"Well, well, well, who do we have here" Zayn grinned, the look in his eyes almost animalistic. I gulped and looked away, knowing what was coming next. Harry punched me hard in the gut and I fell on the ground, a groan leaving my lips. They started kicking me everywhere they could. Stomach, ribs, thighs, face, it didn't matter to them. I tried to struggle, but Liam held me down easily. I couldn't fight against four guys. I was weak, pathetic. They stopped only when I was almost on the brink of losing consciousness , having the decency to laugh at me.

"Same time tomorrow, yeah?" Louis asked and they all laughed again, walking away. I couldn't find the strength in me to stand up. My whole body felt like it was on fire. Finally pushing myself up, I limped to the restroom. The girl in the mirror didn't look like me. She was tired, tired of people not accepting each other. I sighed, understanding that the broken girl in the mirror was me. I took out a bag of make up and started applying concealer, covering most of my bruises. I always had my make-up kit with me. I can only hope that one day this would end.

*flashback over*

When they auditioned on the X-factor, I was asked to join CIA. I guess they saw something in me even I myself couldn't see. I agreed happily, since I didn't have any family or friends. I was an orphan until I was 11. I was adopted, but feeling left out I ran away, being the stupid little girl I was. Living out on the streets for a few months was hard, but I managed to find myself an old apartment that was falling apart, but manageable. After a few minor repairs it was good enough to live in. Things escalated from there. I got a job as a waitress when I was 14, which allowed me to buy food and clothes, solving most of my problems.

I let all my anger out in the gym. In a way, it was calming. I I could focus and put all of my energy in the one thing I was doing. I worked out every day and trained with the best. After a year, the fat was replaced with muscles and I was feeling good.

My new look gave me confidence that I had yearned so much. Yet there was still a small part of me which belonged to that broken girl who I saw in the mirror. The one who would wake up in the middle of the night screaming. The one who was still terrified of the past. But I blocked that part out of me, for good. No need to keep any negativity when life was so much better.


I was currently jogging in the gym when Jake stopped me. Jake was the main secretary in the CIA, quite an important job. I stopped and looked at him curiously.

"The director has another mission for you, miss Ellis" Another mission. I felt my blood pumping in excitement. I haven't had one of those in months. I quickly grabbed my towel and dried the sweat off of me, making myself as presentable as I good while walking towards the directors office.

The director of CIA was a strict lady with dark red hair called Mrs. Poppins. I have always been her favourite so we get along well. I knocked. A quiet "Come in" sounded from the inside. I slowly opened the door and saw Mrs. Poppins with a man inside, probably waiting for me.

"Crystal, meet Paul Higgins, he's the manager of a boyband you're going to secure". She kept talking, but my ears tuned out after the 'secure a boyband' part. Does she think of me as a babysitter?

"Mrs. Poppins, I'm one of the best agents on field, why exactly am I going to secure a boyband?".

"This is one of the biggest boybands in the world, their fans are out of contol. Plus I think this will be an excellent chance to get your payback:" Mrs. Poppins said, glaring at me for interrupting her speech. Payback? What payback do I need to get on a boyband? Realization dawned on me.

"What band?" I asked, hoping it with all my heart that it weren't them. But I knew deep inside that it was going to be them. The boys I had grown to hate so much over the past years. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the name I hated the most come out of Mrs. Poppins' mouth.

"One Direction."

(ON HOLD!) CIA bully (One Direction fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon