A new friend

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Crystal's P.O.V

FINALLY we reached a place called "Meaty meat shack". Don't ask me where it got the name, I seriously don't know. Who put put that kind of name to a restoraunt. It doesn't attract people, it scares them away!

The whole way there Stacy had been rubbing herself on Niall and pleading for him to take her to a fancy five-star restoraunt. The food there is like 100$ for a piece of bread. I can't even imagine what Stacy would have ordered.

The house itself was quite small. It was different shades of brown. I guess it represents their love for meat. Don't get me wrong, I love meat, but this is just obsessed.

The inside of the restoraunt had this western feeling. There were cowboyhats and stuffed horses. Liam went crazy. He started running aroud and yelling something about Toy Story.

Seeing my confused expression Zayn leaned closer and whispered "Liam loves Toy Story, and this place is like it's headquarters. No wonder he went nuts."

I nodded, signaling that I understood. Suddenly, a mob of teenage girls ran in and started screaming "OMG! ONE DIRECTION IS HERE!" "HAROLD FATHER MY BABIES!" and "LOUIS I HAVE A CARROT!" At the same time someone threw a carrot towards Louis' face. I caught it inches away from his eye.

The boys had gathered in a sircle, Stacy and Ashley with them. They all looked frightened, except Stacy. I stood between them and the girls. They stopped running and looked at me, confused and angry.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY, YOU SLUT!"  Someone yelled. Slut, aye? Well see who's the slut then. I have once been a bodyguard to a celebrity before. I was the security guard for Selena Gomez. She's such a sweetheart! Anyways, I have gotten use to the insults so it doesn't hurt me.

A girl tried to push me down and hurry to the boys, but I pushed back with the same force. That took her by a surprse and she stumbled back.

"Who are you to hold us down?"The girl asked.

"I am their new bodyguard. Now please, take a step back and I am sure the boys would sign a few autographs." The girl snorted but the other girls took a few steps back.

"You and a bodyguard? Sure, I believe that. Now get out of the way, hun." She said and took a step forward. I am not frightened by her. She is an inch taller than me, but I have fought and won bodybuilders who are 6,5 feet.

"One last time, please take a few steps back." I said, trying to stay calm. I don't excactly have the best temper, but I do have self control. She didn't look like she was going to step back.

Instead, she took another step forward and tried to slap me. What the hell? Is she a lunatic? What is wrong with her? I don't just come to a girl and try to slap her?!

I caught her hand and twisted it behind her back.

"LET ME GO YOU CRAZY BITCH!" She screamed. I just twisted her hand some more. Now she was screaming in pain. Hmph, it isn't that bad. I can take bullets without my notice.

I pushed the girl back to the crowd. She stumbled up and walked back to the line. She wanted to be first, but the other girls pushed her to the back of the line. That's what you get.

The next 10 minutes the boys were signing autographs. There wasn't as many girls as I thought there would be, just about 20. After that we got our table and menus.

We were all sitting in a silence, deciding what to eat when Ashley said " I can't believe they don't have Fettucini!" Wow, what a drama queen.

"I know! They don't even have a chocolate fondant! And what are on their menues? Different kinds of meat. What kind of a place is this?" Stacy agreed.

"The places NAME is Meaty meat shack. Don't you think they should have meat?" Louis asked. Point for Tomlinson. I am silently cheering for him in my head.

"Again you are getting on my nerves. Niall, are you letting him talk to me like that?" Stacy asked.

"No. Louis, apologize to Stacy." Niall demanded. All of us looked at him in disbelief. Is he seriously going to force Louis to apologize for nothing? He didn't do anything!

"Lou didn't do anything! And why should he apologize?" Zayn asked. Wow, mindreader.

"Because he disrespected my beloved Stacy! Seriously, why are you all so against her?" Niall asked. Because he called me stupid, slut, bitch etc. and again, why did I feel that pain in my heart again when he said 'beloved'? No, this isn't jelousy. Definately not.

"Because she acts like she's the queen of the world! She insults everybody in her way and has no respect for others or herself!" Louis screamed. He stood up and left. Stacy had fake tears in her eyes and Niall was comforting her while sending glares to us.

I stood up, gave the boys a look that said 'I will find him, stay here' and walked out of the restoraunt.

Louis wasn't anywhere in sight. On the right there was a road to the park, on the left there was the highway. Park it is.

I walked down the path and reached the park. It was a small forest-y park. It had tall trees with perfect branches for climbing and big bushes. There was a playground in the middle of it.

I looked around when I heard a quiet shuffle. I turned around and all there was was a tall oak. I looked up and saw a pair of black TOMS hanging from one of the highest branches.

I hopped and grabbed the first branch in my reach. I pinned myself up and started climbing. He was sitting on a wide branch that was calling to be sat on. I sat down next to him.

We sat there in silence for a minute before he asked "Why does Niall like the bitch?"

I chuckled at the question and looked at him. "I dunno, maybe he was drugged to start dating her and now he is being paid to play her boyfriend."

Louis started laughing and so did I. He stopped and looked at me. "Can you please try to forgive me? I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have done bullied you. We wanted popularity and became arrogant jerks. I am truly, madly, deeply sorry. Will you please forgive me?"

He did one of those adorable puppy dog faces and tilted his head to the side. I laughed at him before saying "Yes, I will forgive you. But I forgive only you. I can see it in your eyes that you are sorry."

He grinned and hugged me. I let him do that, he needed his moment.

"Wait, you can see emotions in people's eyes? Only Zayn can do that!"

"Some people have that kind of a talent. I can see right now that you are happy that I forgave you, but at the same time pissed off because of Stacy." I said

His eyes grew wide. "That's excactly what I'm feeling! You are a wizard! You should go to Hogwarts. I bet you would go to Ravenclaw, i't kinda matches you!" he exclaimed happily.

We both started laughing so hard that tears were in our eyes and Louis almost fell off the tree.

"It's good to have you as a friens, Crys." He said, looking me in the eyes.

"I know. But we should probably get down before they send a search party after us." I joked. He chuckled at started climbing down.

I quickly jumped from one branch to another, like an antelope. Louis looked at me, wide eyed. Come on, that was easy. It just needs some balance.

Louis finally hopped down and we started walking back towards Meaty Meat Shack, laughing and joking. It really is good to have Lou as a friend.


One down, three to go. Will she forgive all of the boys? What kind of drama will happen with Stacy and Ashley?


Love ya, my Tomlinson TOMS!

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