Chapter 6: The start of a mega pranking

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Crystal's P.O.V

How can he just say that? He doesn't know anything about my private life, he assumed it was good.  I mean, I know he didn't have as easy life as I thought, but seriously? I'm mad. Who does he think he is?

Niall's P.O.V

Wow, she's angry. Can't blame her, if Harry yelled at me like that, I probably would've punched him. I can't believe she had to go through that. No one should ever be bullied. And I can't believe the boys, who I grew to love so much, could do that to her. They say that they respect women. Bull! But I have to admit, it kinda turns me on when she's mad. I know, I know, not 'appropriate', but hey, I'm still a teenage boy.

"Wait, why did you bring me along?" I asked her, once we were near the hotel.

"Because for one thing I don't want to leave you with those bloody bastards. Who knows what lies they would've fed you. And I kinda don't want to be alone at the moment. I need a distraction from the angry thoughts," she mumbeled the last bit, looking up at me with those big eyes. I saw a mischevious glint appear in them.

"Hey, I got an idea... would you, Niall James Horan, do me the honour of helping me prank the boys?" she asked, the same smirk on her face. I thought about it for a moment. Would I like to prank 4 boys who will most probably get me back? Hell no. Would I like to do it with a CIA agent? Hell yes.

"On one condition. You'll help me avoid their revenge pranks." I said. I saw her think and raised an eyebrow. She sighed and that gave me the answer I was looking for.

"Fine. But I can't promise anything when I'm not around. Anyways, I'm going to go to the store to get the things I'll need. You cover for me. Oh, and I need to know their likes and dislikes, so if you would be so kind?"

 "Deal! Okay, so Zayn hates when someone touches his mirrors, messes with his hair or wakes him up not-so-nicely. Louis doesn't let anyone touch his carrots and he values his striped shirts and Toms very much. Harry LOVES his curls. He also like cats. He is afraid of rollercoasters. And Liam, well Liam is afraid of spoons and he doesn't like when someone even uses them when he is there. I know, they're weird. Makes me wonder why I even hang out with them."

She looked at me and started to laugh. Her laugh was contagious, so soon I was laughing with her.

"Sorry, couldn't hold that in anymore. Who's afraid of spoon? Don't answer that. Anyways, I'm gonna go, so make up some good lie, ok? Buh bye, leprechaun!" and she ran off somewhere. Does she even know where the mall is? Eh, I'm sure she'll manage. I walked inside our hotel room, which we had been standing infront of.

I wondered around the room, practising my lying. I'm not a very good liar, really. Never really needed it, I guess. About half an hour later the boys arrived.

"Are you guys okay? How did you get home?" I asked them, worriedl about their health.

"Dude, chillax, I should be asking you the same thing. Did that woman hurt you? My god, she's a brat. Where is she?" Harry asked, looking around.

"She had some errands to run. I'm guessing it has something to do with her job. And she is most definately not a brat. How could you even do that?"

"Do what", Zayn asked, faking innocence. Who does he think he's fooling?

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. How could you even lay a finger on a girl? I want to know, what the fuck did she do to you to deserve that." I spat out. I could feel my anger rise. How could they beat up a girl, who was clearly weaker than even one of them, every day? That is wrong. No one should ever go through something like that. That's wwrong.

" We just had  to let out anger out somewhere. Annd she was the easiest choice. Plus I doubt she does anything to us know, she can't, it's against the rules" Louis said. Oh, If they knew.

If they only knew....


So how was it? Give me some ideas of how to prank them, I am not sure yet.

Well, comment&vote!

See ya next time, pussycats :D

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