Chapter 10: Ashley

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Crystal's P.O.V

Finally The Simpsons movie was over. Don't get me wrong, the movie was awesome, but Niall and Stacy kept kissing. You can't watch these cool yellow dudes when there are mushy noises coming from next to you.

"What should we do next?" Niall asked when the movie was over.

"I know what we could do." Stacy said, seductively. I think she thought no one heard her, but everybody had a disgusted face on.

"TRUTH OR DARE!!!!" Louis shouted, jumping up and down.

"Louis, will you please shut it? You're really getting on my last nerves" Stacy said. Louis looked a bit hurt, but mostly angry. Zayn had to hold him down. I wouldn't care what Louis does to her, she deserves it. How could Niall even like her? She is so fake that it hurts my eyes.

We still decided to play truth or dare. All of us sat in a circle. And by that I mean all of us but Stacy. She said he didn't want to ruin her designer clothes, which were still slutty, so she sat on the recliner and we left a gap for her.

"I'll go first" Louis said. We were playing it with a bottle, so it wouldn't be unfair. Louis spinned the bottle. It landed on Zayn.

"Truth or dare, Zayn?" Louis smirked.

"Ummmm..... I will live the rollercoaster that is life and choose a dare." Oh crap, Louis smirk was devilish.

"I dare you to..mess up your hair and stay with it for the rest of the game. Zayn shrieked. All of us were literally rolling on the floor laughing. Except Stacy. Eventually, after a lot of convincing, Zayn finally messed up his hair. He looked so scared! It was hilarious! I even got it all on video.

I would've gotten it on the video either way because yesterday Mrs. Poppins gave me these small spy cameras. I placed them all over the flat, A couple of them in each room, even the bathroom. As long as the boys are safe, it's okay.

Zayn spinned the bottle and it landed on Liam.

"Liam, truth or dare?" Zayn asked. Liam bit his lip and thought about it quickly.

"Fine, I'll do a dare. But nothing involving spoon, okay?"

"Okay. I dare you to go outside and start to sing 'What makes you beautiful' to the first girl you see. Just until the chorus."

Liam sighed and went outside. As soon as he stepped out all of us gathered around the big window. Liam was just standing there and waiting for some girl to come past us. Finally we spotted a girl with blonde hair. She was quite similar to Stacy.

Liam stopped her and started to sing for her. Wow, she must be a huge directioner, she started hyperventilating and screaming with joy.

As soon as he stopped, Stacy stormed outside. She ran up to the girl and hugged her.

"Oh Em Gee, did you just see that? Liam Payne serenaded me! I can't believe this is happening! Soon , I will become his girlfriend!"

"I know, that Danielle chick wasn't that pretty either (No offence, I love her. It's for the story). I'm glad they broke up! You deserve him. Come inside, I want you to meet One Direction. Hurry up!"

Stacy pulled the cake faced girl inside. She looked at the boys and smirked. Then she saw me and looked at me disgustingly.

"Who is that hideous monster standing there?" I felt the anger bulb inside of me.

"Who, her? She claims to be their body guard, but I am positive she is their secret slut. I mean, I know she is ugly, but a skimask will do. And I am not surprised when she actually is their bodyguard, everyone runs away when they see her. Oh, by the way guys, this is my best friend Ashley."

Everyone grunted in response. If Harry hadn't held me back I would have broken each and every one of her bones. I mean, I could have gotten out of Harry's grip easily, but I wanted someone to hold me back.

I turned around to face Harry and said loud enough for everyone to hear "Let. me. go. I want to destroy that Oompa Loompa. No one has ever disrespected me like that and I am not going to let that orange get away with that!"

Everybody bursted into laughter, and Stacy and Ashley just stood there, pissed.

"I am going to get my punching bag, I have to let my anger out somewhere, and I guess you don't want me to do it on her face. I will be in the backyard."

I twisted myself out of Harry's hands and walked back into the house. I grabbed one of the many puncing bags Mrs. Poppins had sent me. She knows me too damn well. I took the punching bag and walked into the back yard. Everybody was there, even Ashley. She wore a smirk, like she thought I couldn't do anything.

I hanged the punching back to a branch growing from a big oak tree. Once it was done, I stood infront of it, the boys and the girls facing me.

I looked at Ashley and my anger came back. I started punching and kicking the bag. Even though I didn't even use my whole power, one punch could have broken an elephant's skull.

The punching bag was rocking back and forth. One last kick and the punching bag broke. It just ruptured.

All of the boys were in shock. It is really hard to break a punching bag. Only me and a few other trainers in the CIA could do it. The girls' mouths were hanging open. Ashley's face was pale, I guess she pictured what would have happened if Harry wouldn't have been there.

I smirked and started went back inside. While I passed Ashley I said, loud enough for everyone to hear "I hope you won't be as bitchy again. I might not have a fake tan and botox all over me, not that I would want them either,  but I know how to fight. So thank Harry that he held me back."

All of the boys smiled at me, happy that I proved those bitches wrong. And the next time one of them said something about me, I won't let anyone stop me.



Wow, I got really mad while writing about Ashley.

Anyway, I might not post everyday, maybe I will have a day inbetween every post. I am just really tired.


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