Chapter 7: Shopping and Oreos

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Crystal's P.O.V

I need to go to the mall. It's not far from here, just a couple of blocks away. I did my research.

I walked infront of a big 5 story building. So that's the mall, huh? Well, better get inside and check it out. I'm still pretty mad with the boys, but I hope my pranks will get to them. I don't care about getting in trouble right now. Revenge is nr. 1 on my 'to do' list.

What pranks should I go for? Let's see.... Zayn's obsessed with hair, right? Okay, I can work with that. I'm going to exchange his shampoo, not pink hairdye., That's too obvious. I'm going to change it with some glue, that holds his hair up for a day. It doesn't come off with water for 24 hours, after that he can wash it off. It's amazing what people can think of. This glue is PERFECT.

I'm going to draw on his mirror, too. I'm actually pretty decent at drawing, well, doodling at least. Not as goodas Zayn himself, but close. I'm going to draw with non-waterproof markers, so he can wash the drawing off. It's a shame though. That would've been one funny mirror.

I'll go easy on Lou. If you count out the fiasco on the first day, he's been pretty normal. Well, as normal as a teenage man-child can get. I think I'll just do something to his precious pigeon, and maybe murder some carrots in his room, as well.

Now what to do to my dear Harold. I think I know. Zayn's not getting the hair dye, Harry is. I'm going to straighten his curls and paint them like an ugly rainbow. I'm thinking like puke green in the fornt, gross blue on the sides, hot pink next to them, pee yellow after that and I'll finish it with some purple or something. Yeah, sounds good.

For Liam, I'm going to tape spoons all  over him, so there is no space left. That dude has to get over his fear of spoons. It's ridiculous.

I went into this shop that sells almost everything. Kinda like a Wal-Mart. I bought the glue, the markers, some rope and sleeping medicine for Liam. Tat should do it.

There was a food store just across the store where I just came out of so I went in there. I hope they have two dozen carrots. I looked around the store and picked up the carrots and the spoons. Luckily for me, they had just enough to cover my needs. I went to pay for them when a blue package caught my eye. What are Oreos? Never heard of them before. I guess there's a first time for everything.

Getting some weird looks from the other customers, I walked out of the stor. Deciding not to wait any longer, It plucked out the Oreos from my bag and took one. They look pretty cool. Hope they will taste good as well. I popped one into my mouth, instantly closing my eyes in pleasure. I'm in heaven. I felt my taste buds dance and cheer as I ate another one. These things will be the death of me.

Walking into a hair salong, I quickly grabbed all of the hairspray needed and paid for it. Rushing out of the shop I realized it was already past 8 o'clock. Picking up my speed, I walked out of the mall.

I continued walking, only stopping at one point in front of a resturaunt to carry my bags more comfortably. I saw a boy my age staring at me. He had blonde hair, green eyes and a shirt that clung to him like a second skin. His muscles were defined, clearly to impress ladies. Overall, he had that classical Ken-doll look to him. Well, he would have, if he didn't have that disgusting glint in his eyes.

He started walking towards me. Why do I always attract the messed up ones. I don't want some man slut chasing after me. Atleast I am more skilled than him for sure, so he can't do anything against my will. I hope he doesn't try, though. I'm tired.

"Hey babe, what are you doing alone here at this time?" he asked, trying to be flirtacious, but failing miserably.

"Grocery shopping, what the hell does it look like?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice. I tried to move around him but he stepped infront of me. We were in the middle of the street, I didn't want to make a mess, someone could call the cops. That would be the last thing I needed.

"Playing hard to get, ay? Don't worry, you can drop the act now." He said in an overly sweet tone. I wanted to gag.

"First, I'm not acting. Second, I'm not dropping anything, and that means my pants too, to you. And third, if could you move out of the way, that'd be great." I said, not even bothering to look up at him.

He raised an eyebrow. " And why won't you drop your pants to me, what have I done to you? And I'm not moving out of the way. Not every day a hot chick walks by, you know?" He eyed me up and down like a piece of meat. I hated it.

"You haven't done anything to me, but you're just a manwhore. And I seriously would walk out of the way, I don't want to hurt you." He started laughing, but then stopped, smirking evilly to me.

"Me? A manwhore? And what could you possibly do to me? Have you seen these guns?" He asked, leaning forwards while flexing his muscles.

He leaned in even more, kissing my neck sloppily, catching me off guard. Once I recovered from the shock, I raised my hand and slapped him across the face.

"Fucking bitch!!! Now you're getting it." He walked towards me and tried to punch me in the face. I quickly grabbed his hand and threw him over my shoulder. When his back hit the ground, I heard a faint crack. I smirked at that.

He stood up. His face was red with anger. He tried to punch me with his leg. I grabbed it. "Not a smart move, manwhore!" I spat at him. I twisted his leg and pushed him on the ground. I lef him there, groaning, and walked away.

When I reached home I just walked in without knocking. All of the boys were in the living room, watching TV. "Hi Niall!" I shouted. They looked at me and their eyes got wide. I looked down at my arms and saw a few bruises there.

"What happened?" Niall asked, standing up. I looked at my hands once again and said "This? this is nothing. Just some bruises from some trainers. I also bumped into a manwhore on the way home who tried to take advantage of me."

Niall looked at me worriedly. "Did he do something to you?" I looked at him in the eyes and said " To me? No. But I think it would be the best for him if he went to the hospital. His spine cracked weirdly, even though I didn't break it."

His eyes widened and he nodded. I looked past him and at the boys. They were gulping and looking at me in horror. I gave them the 'I'll be watching you' look. "Hey, Crys, my girlfriend, Stacy, will be coming over tomorrow, is that okay?" Niall asked. I felt pain in my heatr. Why did I feel that pain? I didn't like him, did I? I ignored the question in my head and nodded.

I said to Niall "I am going to my room. You can come to me to 'ask' me if you need any help." I said, emphasizing the word 'help'. Niall nodded, saying that he got the message. With that I walked upstairs.

Niall's P.O.V

Wow, poor guy. But he did try to do something to Crystal, so I guess he deserved it.

The boys looked at me. "What?" I asked them.

"He talked to you like a normal person. I didn't think that was possible. She treates us like dirt, she didn't eve say hi!" Louis said, pretending to be hurt. "Don't you think there is a reason for that?" I asked him. He just stuck his tongue at me and started fake sobbing in Harry's arm.

"Well, yeah, but don't you think it's best for us and her if she would just forgive and forget?" Liam reasoned. I guess it would be better for us. I think I have to talk to het. But not just yet.

"I guess it would be a lot easier for us. But don't think you are getting away from her that easy. She is pissed and if I was you, I would watch my backs."

With that I left the room.

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