Chapter 17: The circus

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Crystal's P.O.V (before the break-up)

"You brought me to the circus?" Louis asked me.

I looked at him smiling and nodded.

"We can somewhere else if you'd like." I told him. I really hope he wants to stay, I LOVE circuses! They are so cool with all the clowns and animals and stuff.

"NO! We are staying here and that's final." He said in a fake strict voice.




"HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!" We burst out laughing. I haven't laughed in a long time! And must I say, It's good to laugh again! I would have never thought my ex-bully would make me laugh!

We stepped out of the vehicle and finally I could take a good look at the place I brought us. The circus performing area was basically a giant yellow-red striped tent. Like the one in movies! When you have seen the show you will exit through the back of the tent. There, there are games and restoraunts and cotton candy places. Kinda like a fair but without all the rides.

I guess Lou saw it too because he started jumping up and down. I just laughed and started walking towards the ticket booth, dragging him with me. The cashier was a boy about my age, with chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. He was quite buff, too.

"Hey babe, what can I get for you?" He asked, winking and not seeing Louis right next to me. I scoffed, I hate it when boys hit on girls like that.

"Two tickets for the show and two passes for the fair." I replied, on an icy cold tone, handing him the money.

I guess he didn't notice my tone because he said "Is the other one for me?". He even smirked! That son of a bitch.

"No, it's for the guy standing right next to me! Now can I get the tickets and passes?" I asked him. I was getting impatient.

"Bebz, just ditch the dude and we can have some real fun." He said winking. He tried to reach over the ticket booth to kiss me but I slapped him. Hard. That's gonna leave a mark. Insert evil laugh here.

"I don't want anything to do with you, so back off. I can call your manager and see what he or she thinks about you flirting with a customer. So give me what I asked for and I can leave." I said with such force it even scared myself.

The dude looked like he had just peed his pants. With a second two tickets and two passes were infront of me. I gave the dude a forced smile and turned around, walking away.

Louis was on the floor from laughing so hard.

"You.....him......his face.....oh my god...." He said inbetween his laughs. I looked at him for a second but started laughing also. I remembered his face when I ordered him to give me my tickets and laughed even harder.

After finally getting to stand again, we walked inside the circus tent. It was pretty big, bigger than it seemed. Our seats were all the way in the front, first row.

Right when we sat down a clown with oversized pants and a red nose jumped on the stage.

"Well hiya kids, welcome to my humble home! " he shouted. All of the kids (including Louis) screamed back at him. 

"Is anyone else hot or is it just me? You're hot too? Well I'm gonna fix it!" And with that he pulled on his tie and water began spraying everywhere. With my reflexes I pulled Louis infront of me, so he took all the water for me. Now we have a soaked but hyper Louis.

After some more jokes and pranks the clown got off the stage. There were trained animals, acrobats, jugglers, trapeze acts and tightrope walkers. It was all really cool but then came the time for the 'worlds strongest man'. 

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