Chapter 2: The start of a perfect revenge

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One direction... The name was spinning around in my  head. I was going to meet them again. The 4 boys who made my life hell on Earth. They tormented me, physically and emotionally. Made me feel wortheless and unimportant. And I'm going to see them once again? Then I remembered something and a smirk appeared on my face.

"What kind of revenge?" I asked, letting my inner demon out. Mrs Poppins smiled and Paul gave me a scared look.

"Well I was thinking this .You won't reveal yourself to them just yet. You'll bump into them but you will pretend to be shy and helpless. I'm sure they'll remember you, how could they not. You will leave them and go find Paul. Paul already knows your past with the boys, so that will be okay. Paul will introduce you, but in the meantime you will change your clothes to agent clothes,sunglasses and a cap. They won't recognise you. You will show yourself there, but when they try to hit you, you just put them in their place. You will make them guilty. Guiltiness is the biggest  revenge there is."

Huh. Never knew that Mrs. Poppins has an evil side. That's a pretty good plan. It might even work.

Paul looked at Mrs. Poppins, who just smiled and soon Paul's worried look changed into something else. At first thoughtful and then just the pure look of evilness.

"I agree" we both said at the same time. After a high-five he signed the contract and shook hands with Mrs. Poppins. I guess I have one person on my side.

Mrs. Poppins sent me to pack my bags and I left. I actually didn't have many clothes, I always needed just some sweats or a hoodie. I didn't have these fancy pink dresses, and I wasn't complaining either. I'm not a 'party hard' girl. And plus, I really dislike pink. Not hate, just strongly dislike. My favourite colour is blue. It's calming and soothing, yet it has a dark side, like everything else in this world. Blue is the colour of sadness.  A simple emotion, yet so destroying.

I dug out some blue jeans and a 'Keep calm and Carry on' shirt. It wasn't a cold day, which was rare, so I didn't need a jacket or anything. I found my Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and put my songs on shuffle. The first song that came on was 'Call me maybe'. Why do I even have that song? I chose the next one and it was Coldplay 'Fix you'. Happy with the song, I started jumping around the room and speed-packing my things.

I was ready in 30 minutes and I only had like 2 suitcases and a duffel bag. A limo was waiting for me in the front of the CIA building ( just pretend that the CIA is in England). I opened the door and saw Paul sitting inside, smiling. I smiled back and after putting my suitcases away, i jumped inside.

We talked about the boys' behaviour. So, Louis is changed into 'the funny one', huh? That's hard to believe. Back in highschool, he was the most serious one in the group. Well, people can change and I'm a living sample.

The car trip was about 30 minutes long. I played Jetpack Joyride and Pou the whole time there. Yeah, I play Pou, I know, lame right? We stopped in front of an expensive looking hotel. It was hotel Grand Lotus, the fanciest hotel in London.

I nodded to Paul and got out of the limo, ready to start my revenge.

I braided my hair into a loose braid, like it used to be. I put on my thick, dark rimmed fake glasses  and stepped inside. Paul would be waiting for me in the cafeteria, so I knew where to walk after re-meeting the boys. Paul texted me that the boys were stepping out of their room.

I waited outside the lift. DING! The doors opened. There they were. 4 boys that had made my life a living hell every day. For a second, I wasn't sure if I could handle seeing them again, but quickly kicked that thought out fo my head. That's no proper way for a trained CIA agent to think. Emotions ran through me. Pain, hate, anger, shock. They looked up at me and their expressions were priceless.

Liam was utterly shocked. Louis was just frozen. Harry and Zayn had an evil smirk, like they thought they could beat me again.If I can take down some of the best agents in the world, I can easily take down some boys who don't know anything else about fighting than the fact that you have to hurt your opponent.

Since Paul was with them, they couldn't start tormenting me right there. Which was good. I needed a few more seconds to compose myself.

"Paul, this is our old 'friend'. Can we catch up with you guys later, we want to talk to her. Niall, you can go too." Harry said. Was I the only one who could detect the smugness in his voice? Paul just nodded and left, taking Niall with him.

" Well what a shock to see you here, Crystal, I'm sure we have many things to talk about, can you come with us for a moment?" Zayn asked, with an overly sweet voice. I fake gulped and nodded.

They took me to an empty corridor, where they cornered me. By the time that happened, my thoughts were clear and my mind was set on revenge.

"Well, bitch, nice to see you here. I just missed the sound of my knuckles joining with your jaw." Louis spit out and laughed a cold laugh.

I saw Zayn's hand whipping to slap me, but I dodged it. Let me tell you, that made him mad. He clenched his jaw and tried to punch me in the stomach. I grabbed his hand and pinned it behind his back.

"Sorry to interrupt this reunion, but I have to go. I'm positive that I'll see you again." I hissed and pushed myself through the boys, letting go of Zayn. I started running and sure enough I heard them follow me.

"Stop them, meet you at their flat"  I mumbeled to Paul, running past him. With that I grabbed my bag and ran to the restroom to change my clothes.

I put on a pair of black jeans, a white shirt, black Vans, a leather jacket and a pair of sunglasses. I let my hair flow on my back as I walked out of the restroom. Room 482. That's on the 48th floor. The hotel has 50 floors, so that's pretty high. I walked to the lift and pressed on the right button. Waiting for the lift to start moving, I pushed my adrenalin down and let myself calm down. Hearing the 'Ding' indicating I was on my floor, I walked out and turned right. Room 482 was straight at the end.

I turned to knock on the door and in those second my mind was filled with thoughts. What if I accedentally can't control my emotions and will break break something? What if they have trained too and are stronger than me? These questions haunted me. I knocked and right away the door was opened...


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