Chapter 24: My family wants me back

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Crystal's P.O.V

"Did you hear that? She called you a small celebrity! I'm best friends with a celebrity! OMG!" Eleanor gushed in my ear for the 100th time.She hasn't shut up about it. It's kinda getting on my nerves. so what, I'm a bodyguard to 5 teenage heartthrobs. Big deal. I don't get why people ask for MY autograph.

"Yeah, I heard it. For about A MILLION times. Big deal. Anyways, what's happening between you and our dear Louis?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows at her. She looked down, her cheeks slightly pink.

"Nothing........" She mumbled, barely audible. I grinned at her.

"You sure? 'Cause You two seemed real cosy this morning." I wiggled my eyebrows at her, making her look down again. I just threw my head back and let out a chuckle. God, this girl is so innocent.

Eleanor had a photoshoot, so we bid our goodbye's and I started walking back towards our house. It wasn't that far away, only about 15 minutes by foot.

 The first thing I noticed when I saw our flat was a black car, parked right infront of it. When I walked closer, the door opened and out stepped a middle-aged woman, with dirty blond hair and grey eyes. She was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white shirt and a grey cardigan over it. A casual office-outfit.

When she noticed me walking towards her, she turned around, got her purse out of her car and started waited patiently until I reached her.

"Excuse me, are you Crystal Whirlpool?" She looked at me.

"Yeah, I am. And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" I replied, looking at her with curiosity.

"Oh, excuse my manners. My name is Becky. Becky Molling. I'm here to speak to you. May I come inside?" I led her inside of our house, before walking off to make us both a cup of coffee. I wonder what she wants? I haven't got in trouble lately and as far as I know, the boys haven't, either. So what's this all about?

"So, you're probably wondering why I want to talk to you." No shit, I thought to myself. That's the whole point, isn't it?

"Well, let's cut it short, then. You were put into adoption as a baby. You ran away at the age of 11. You know this all, of course. But what I really want to talk to you about, is your parents. Crystal, they want you back."

"Wh...what?" I stuttered looking at her in complete shock. They want me back? After all there years?

"I said, your parents, they want to see you again. They want you back into their family."

I couldn't believe it. My parents, my REAL parents want me back. After 18 years, they want me back. 18 years! I felt so many emotions at once, I thought I was going to explode. Anger, sadness, hurt, happiness, confusion. I didn't know what to think. Why would they want me back? Why would they want me back now? Why didn't they say anything earlier? What do they look like? Do I have any siblings? Why did they give me up?

"Okay, I know this is too much to take in right now, but I'll give you some basic information about your parents. Your mom's name is Lily Whirlpool, previously known as Lily Collins. She works as a baker. Your dad's name is Thomas or Tom Whirlpool and he owns a car repair shop. You have a twin brother, who is older than you by 2 minutes. His name is Daniel Whirlpool (He's Dan Howell with a different family name, a picture of him on the side). He's quite famous for making youtube videos. You may have heard of him, his youtube name is Danisnotonfire. Anyway, your parents want to have you in the family and they want to be your family. Please, for the sake of them, please think about it." With that Becky got up and left. I heard the screeching of her tires and the familiar noise of an engine being turned on. Even when she had driven away, I still couldn't move.

So, I have a family. A normal family. I have a twin! How could they keep my own brother from me? How could they leave me ? I didn't know what to feel anymore. I had to go somewhere. I can't be here.

I got up and threw on my grey hoodie, took my phone, and I was out of there. I didn't know where I was going. I let my feet carry me as my mind couldn't register what was going on.

I found myself stopping at a park, a good 8 kilometres (5 miles) away from our house. The park was empty, aside from a few people walking their dogs and an elderly couple sitting on a bench.

 I quickly walked through the park, looking for a place to sit, when I spotted a big oak with wide branches that were perfect for climbing. Without a second thought, I was climbing up the tree until I reached a wide branch that was completely protected from anyones eye.

I sat down, dangling my feet over the edge and covering my face with my hands. I was so confused. One minute I was an orphan with no family, the next moment I found out I had a mom and a dad and even a twin brother! I couldn't seem to wrap my mind around that thought. I remember being adopted when I was 11 just like it was yesterday.


I was sitting alone in my room, reading a book when the door to my room burst open. Our babysitter, Nancy, looked at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Guess what! There's a family here that wants to adopt you! They said you are exactly the kind of girl they're looking for! So pack your bags! They're waiting downstairs."  She beamed and with that she walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

To say I was happy would be the understatement of the year. Maybe I'll finally have a good family! Do they have any children? I wonder what they look like! Oh, I wouldn't care even if they were ugly! I'm gonna get adopted! I'm gonna have a mommy and a daddy!

I quickly packed my bags, tied my light brown hair in a high ponytail and rushed down the stairs. There, waiting for me, stood what looked like a perfect family. A man with golden brown hair and brown eyes, holding his muscular arm around a short petite woman with light blonde hair and blue eyes. Infront of them was a girl no older than 6, with her blonde curls bouncing and her light brown eyes shining with excitement. They looked like a perfect family, like one of those familys that were on posters and book covers!

Oh, I can't wait to see what living with them will be like!

*Flashback over*

To say I sticked out like a sore thumb would be right. I guess that's why I left. I felt like I didn't belong there. And now, thinking back, I was right.

But that was the past. I was so naive back then. No, the real problem is the one I'm facing right now.

 The question is, what am I going to do?


Heyooo! I made this one quite long. I hope you're not too mad at me for not updating any sooner!

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter. Leave the ideas for the next one down in the comments. What should Crystal do? The one with the best idea will get a dedication in my next chapter.

So Vote& Comment!!!

Love ya!


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