Chapter 25: A thief or a friend?

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Crystal's P.O.V

I didn't know what to do anymore. After thinking about this situation for two hours, it was getting dark, so I jumped off the tree and started walking home. I hope no one worried about me. I mean, I didn't tell anyone where I was going. I started walking faster.

So me, being the absolute idiot I am, decided to take a shortcut through a dark ally. I know what your thinking. Why would she do that? Doesn't she know how people get killed in movies? Is she nuts? Well, if you would've discovered what I just did, you wouldn't be thinking straight either.

I was halfway through the allyway, when I heard a noise. Instinctively, I turned round, ready to protect myself, but nothing was there. It was creepy silent. But I didn't let my guard down. You know what they say about calmness before the storm.

Just as I expected, something happened. I felt the air move behind my head, so I quickly crouched down. I was lucky. In the wall, the place where my head would've been, was a knife. A sharp throwing knife to be exact.

I turned my head towards where it came from. I could make out a shape of a person in the dark shadows. The person was quite tall and it looked like it was a male. He stepped into the light, but his face was covered by a dark grey hoodie. He was wearing dark stretchy skinny jeans nad some black Vans. Some more knives were sticking out from his pocket.

Without any warning, he quickly took another knife and threw it, aiming for my stomach. I dodged it by stepping to the left. I started running towards him, dodging the knives he was throwing. When I was about a meter away from him, I pulled my fist back and punched him in the nose. He stumbeled back but didn't lose his balance. I was surprised. Looks like he will put up a fight.

He took the moment I wasn't focused and swiftly kicked me in the stomach. Damn it. I was getting tired, so I pulled out the oldest move in the book. I kneed him in the balls. Even a tough guy like him can't stand against the one weakness every man has.

While crumbling down, his hood fell off. He had black hair with a fringe, I guess some idiots call it the emo hair style. He looked up and I could see his face clearly. He had striking blue eyes and  small scar just above his right eyebrow. It was barely noticable, but it was still there.

I crouched down infront of him, making sure my pose was threatening and strong. Even though he didn't show it, he had fear in his eyes.

"Why were you attacking me?" I growled at him, looking straight into his eyes, daring him to look away. I could tell my eyes were slowly changing colours, from grey with a hint of blue, to a more striking, electric grey with light blue spots. The colour of anger.

He flinched away from my eyes and looked at the ground. "You looked like an easy target with money. I need food, so I thought that maybe I could steal some." He whispered, scared to talk. My eyes softened a bit, but then hardened again when I remembered how he was throwing knives at me.

"By doing what, killing me?" I spit out, venom in my voice. It seemed to make him even more scared.

"No....the knife was meant to fly past your head, but it turned out wrong." Gee, so I could've died just by a calculating mistake. Great.

"Why are you on the streets?" I asked. Why was he on the streets? Wasn't it too late to be outside alone? Well, he has skills, so it couldn't be that dangerous for him.

"Umm...I got kicked out of the orphanage and I have nowhere to stay. I can't quite have a job, I'm seventeen." He mumbeled, looking down onto the ground, ashamed. I felt a pull towrds the boy. We had similar situations. Sure, I ran away and he got kicked out, but still. I stood up, reaching my hand out to help the guy. He looked at me in fear. I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon, I don't bite. Well, not hard, anyway. Let's get you cleaned up at my place and then you can eat something." I wrinkeled my nose at the dirt his clothes and body was covered in. He looked at me, unsure. I rolled my eyes again and pulled him to his feet. While he tried to stand up properly, I went and collected his knives, all seven of them. They were good knives, properly made, strong and sharp. I got to ask him where he got those from later.

"Hey, what's your name by the way? I'm Crystal." I asked him as we were walking to the 1D house. I had told him about me living with a worldwide teenage pop-band. At first he didn't believe me, but when I told him what my job was, he wasn't surprised.

"Crystal. Huh, it suits you. My name's Phillip, but I go by Phil." (I'm using Phil Lester, or Amazingphil for this part! Gif on the side.) Seeing my confused expression he explained. "A crystal. So delicate and beautiful. But it has it's sharp points. Even though a crystal looks so innocent, it is strong as hell." I looked at him in wonder. I haven't ever thought about my name that way...

When we reached my doorstep, I shushed him and went inside. The boys were home, all looking a bit worried.

"Hey, guys! Sorry about going missing like that. Anyways, I met a homeless dude, he's cool, we have a similar backstory. He'll stay here for a few days. I know we have extra bedrooms. And don't you dare to argue." I said that last bit to Liam, who looked like he was about to protest.

"Umm....okay?" Zayn said, unsure. I grinned at them and pulled Phil inside. Slipping off our shoes, I guided him upstairs. While he was taking a shower, I went into Harry's room and got some spare clothes. They look about the same size. Placing the clothes outside the bathroom, I went outside and sat down, waiting for him to finish.

"Hey girl." I looked beside me to see Niall sitting down next to me. The closeness made my skin burn, craving for his touch. What's wrong with me? Instead I just grinned at him.

"Hey Ni. What's up?" I asked him. He told me the things they did today at the studio. They're apparently working on a new song, Best Song Ever. By the sound of it, it will be awesome.

I heard the shower turn off and I got up, throwing a sideways glance at Niall. He was looking as perfect as always. His blonde hair was in a quiff, but it was a bit messy from the headphones they used in the studio. He was looking at me with a dazed look. I gave him a smile and went inside my room, to see Phil standing there, fully clothed. I was right, Harry is the same size as Phil.

"Don't you think I didn't see that look you gave the blonde boy." Phil narrowed his eyes, pointing an accusing finger at me. I got to say, he's observant. I tried to look innocent, but he saw right through my lie. I sighed, knowing that I had lost the battle.

"Okay, so I may have kind of feelings for him..." I trailed off, looking in the distance.

"What kind of feelings?" He questioned me. I looked at him, only to see him looking at the door. I gave him a questioning look, but answered anyway.

"I kinda fancy him....a lot...." After that sentence left my mouth, I heard a sharp intake of breath and a thump outside of the door. I quickly opened it, only to see a messy blonde quiff disappear behind the corner.

Oh shit.


Hey guys! So, I have been getting comments on the song, and a favourite right now seems to be Warrior by Demi Lovato! But it's not decided yet. I thought you guys deserved something so I made an extra long chapter! I'm writing this right now in Finland's airport. We had a lot of time so I decided to make this. What do you think of the chapter? I like it.

I flew from Estonia to Finland, now we're flying to Stockholm and from there we have an 11 hour plane ride to Thailand! Thanks to all of the people that are wishing for me to have a good time. These comments make my day.

So Vote & Comment what will happen in the next chapter! Please keep commenting on which song you like.

Love youuu!


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