Shop till you drop - GH

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A/N: Deep connections will dissipate during the first part of the week due to the beginning of Mars retrograde. This energy will bring impulsivity to your romantic conquests, but you'll want to be mindful that you don't let someone in too fast, or you could end up paying for it later. Yes — it's good to connect with others, but you might want to hold off when it comes to baring your soul or revealing deep secrets.

Your connection to the universe will also be strengthened, which you should use as an opportunity to communicate to the other side what you'd like to attract in a future mate. Keep an eye out for signs as well right now, especially if they pertain to matters of the heart. If you're unsure of how to move forward with your love life, a meditation session or professional tarot reading can provide some serious clarity. 


"Thanks, for coming with me, babe." Gahyeon smiled.

 "Hey, anytime. I always wanted to see what the mall is all about." Wooyoung said. 

The reason they're at the mall is because they need to buy some decorations to decorate the girls dorm for JiU. JiU's birthday is coming next week and they really need to make the dorm look special for her special day. 

They brought all sorts of things like banners, confetti, balloons and loads more. 

After their successful trip to the mall, they headed back to the dorms to see Handong and Yoohyeon making the cake. 

"Oh, there you guys are. Have you got the stuff?" Yoohyeon asked. 

"Yep! This is going to the best birthday ever!" Gahyeon smiled. 

The girls nodded while laughing. 

JiU's birthday had soon arrived and everyone hid once they have got the signal that Siyeon is bringing up JiU right now. As soon as the door opened, everyone jumped out from their hiding spots and yelled out. 

JiU was totally surprised as she looked at everyone. She jumped up and down for joy and then she saw the cake coming towards her. 

"Happy birthday, make a wish!" San said. 

JiU closed her eyes and thought about her wish. Once she's done, she blown them all out making everyone cheer. 

Hyunjin is just sitting outside alone with his thoughts clouding up his head. That wasn't until Yeji had found him and placed an hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey, big bro. How come you're not enjoying the party?" Yeji asked. 

"Parties are not for people who date their sister's worst enemies and then gets judged for it." He said. 

"Oh..... that. To be honest, I don't really care. Yes, she used to bully me, but that was then. And after seeing you with Minju and how happy that you guys are, it made me think to know that even people like her can turn over a new leaf. And who knows? We might even become friends." She said. 

"I know, but how come our groups don't see the same way I see in her?" He asked. 

"They just need some time to get used to it. And if they shut you out for finding someone you can settle down with, then they're the fools." She replied. 

"Do you really mean it?" He asked. 

"Of course... because you're my older brother." She smiled. 

He smiled back as she leaned into his shoulder. 

"Hey, Jeongin. Do you have a moment?" Wonyoung asked. 

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked. 

Wonyoung took a deep breath before looking to his eyes. His iconic smile is enough to make her heart melt into an gooey puddle. 

"I..... just want to..... say..... I like you." She stuttered, "I really like you. I just can't seem to stop thinking about you. From your head to toe, that's all that I can think about and.... I know I seem like I'm rambling, but it's true. I act like a mess when I'm with you...."

He tucked a piece of her hair  behind her ear. 

"That's really sweet. And Wonyoung..... I like you too." He said. 

Her eyes have lit up and together they share a little kiss before being lost in their own world. 

Meanwhile, Huening kai and Yuna looked from behind and felt happy for them. 

"How sweet. They do make a great couple." She said. 

"And what about us?" He asked.

"I'll say that we're even better like them." She winked. 

He carressed her as he wrapped his arms around her waist. 

It's time for the cake cutting and and after saying the happy birthday song to her, JiU shared her cake with everyone and loads of lip smacking and staisfactory hums can be around. 

"Wow, you guys make such a bomb cake." Mingi said. 

"Yeah, what kind of ingredients do you even use?" Hongjoong asked. 

"Of course, we're not telling. It's a secret between us girls." Yoohyeon winked.

"Chan, Chan!" Felix came over to him. 

"Felix, what's wrong?" Chan asked worriedly. 

"Well... good news or bad news first?" Felix asked. 

"Good." Chan replied. 

"I'm in love with Chaewon. I know it's a little too late, but I really do like her." Felix confessed. 

"Oh my gosh, bro!" Chan hugged Felix, "That's amazing!" 

"Thanks, but I don't know what to do. I mean..... I never felt this way for anyone before....   I should have some idea by watching everyone else, but... I'm just stuck like I really don't know what to do." Felix said. 

"Just be yourself and tell her on how you feel. Everyone knows that's the way to win someone's heart. To be all natural and not pretending to be someone they're not just to please their partner." Chan reassured him. 

"You sure that will work?" Felix questioned. 

"It works for me and Mia. And look at us, we're still going strong." Chan said, "Trust me."

Felix nodded as his friend has a big point. 

Soon it's time for everyone to go as they left off some presents for her to open before bidding goodbye. 


A/N: Don't you guys love presents? 

Some peopel might say it's more than that, but if you're a innocent person with kindred spirits, you would realize the true meaning of presents. 

Anyway, see you next time!!!!



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