Forbidden love - W

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A/N: This week, you will feel like you are at the right place at the right time. Your charm is unusually high, as you may find yourself mingling with the right people. Things are starting to click for you, so get excited about all the possibilities of abundance. Your self-expression may be more easily accepted by others in your life right now. It is a good time to spread your peacock feathers and strut your stuff.

At work, you will have strength in your networking, so stay connected and keep your contact list growing. While others might get swept up in miscommunications, don't let yourself get wrapped up in any work drama. You will know how to clear any unsettling energy, so keep the peace, and others will follow suit.  


"Hey, Wendy. How come you're not playing competitively?" Irene asked. 

The girls are at the basketball court for some fun. But Wendy was not even playing playfully as she passed along the ball and she kept missing the hoop. 

"Yeah, what's going on?" Seulgi asked. 

"Ha.... it's Chanyeol. As we know, we have brothers and sisters in each company, right?" Wendy asked, "Well..... the truth is.... I'm actually in a relationship with him." 

The girls gasped and cooed. 

"Aww.... that's so adorable!" Yeri exclaimed. 

"No, it's not. He's our older brother,. That's like making out with someone's step dad." Wendy sadly said. 

"Look, just because we call people our older brother or younger sister, doesn't mean we're actually blood related. We only call each other that because we see them like that." Irene explained.

"Yeah, but still..... it doesn't feel right." Wendy replied. 

"You can't let this rule over your mind. You love him and he loves you. Why don't you just talk to him about it?" Joy asked. 

"Yeah.... you can't go on like this and it will only get worse if you keep things like this inside of you." Seulgi replied. 

"Well.... if you guys insist." Wendy said. 

The next week, Wendy walked over to the dance hall to see EXO practicing. She came inside and all of the boys welcomed her. 

"Hey, Wendy!" Baekhyun exclaimed. 

"What's up?" Sehun asked. 

"Um...... can i speak to Chanyeol alone?" Wendy asked. 

Chanyeol nodded and walked to her before closing the door. 

"I wonder what's going on with these two." Kai replied.

"Maybe we should go and check things out." Baekhyun replied. 

"What? Are you fucking insane?" D.O asked.

"Come on, it will be so much fun. Plus, they have been kind of tension lately between the two." Suho replied. 

"Yeah, why not? We could use something to gossip." Kai rubbed his hands together. 

"Alright, come on." Chen replied.

They all got up and they left the room.

Chanyeol crossed his arms as he stared at her. 

"Anything that you would like to tell me? Something about you pulling apart from me?" He asked. 

She looked at the ground for a brieft moment before looking at him. 

"Look, I never meant to pull away from you. I just.... it's just that I'm insecure, alright?!" She exclaimed

"Of what?" He asked. 

"Of this! Chanyeol, face the music! We're both siblings for crying out loud! We're in a relationship and we're siblings! Siblings shouldn't have a relationship in a romantic way! I feel like I'm doing myself dirty...... everytime I'm with you, I feel like betraying Reveluvs, our family---" 

"You're not betraying anyone. Wendy, why do you think that we invited you and the girls to collab on the Sweet Monster sketchers advert? That's because I find out that I have finally founf the one that's underneath my nose this whole time. Plus, just because we're siblings. doesn't mean that we're actually blood related. We only call each other because we treat each other well and give off sibling vibes. I mean, think about it.

People call Jin and RM the parents, but are they actually married to each other? No. Or what about Irene? Is she the mother of the group just because she's the leader?" 

"No....." Wendy replied, "I never really thought about that." 

"So you see? There's nothing wrong with us being together because of that. Plus, do you feel the same for me when you look into my eyes?" He asked. 

"I always do." She replied. 

"Then don't let this thing rule over your mind like this. Follow your heart. Listen to it." He said. 

She smiled before wrapping her arms over him as he did the same to her waist. 

"Thank you, Chanyeol. That made me feel so much better." She smiled. 

"Anytime." He replied. 

They leaned in for a kiss on the lips. 

Meanwhile, in the corridor, all of the boys were abosutely starstrukk and shocked. 

"Holy fuck!" Kai whispered. 

"These two are a couple?!?!" Baekhyun exclaimed.

"I knew there was something going on with these two." Sehun replied. 

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Kai clapped her hands. 

The coupel jumped out of their skin to see it was the rest of the boys. 

"What are you lot doing here?!" Chanyeol exclaimed. 

"We've been listening to the whole thing between you two and finally found out about your dirty little secret? Both idols dating at the same company? You people are brave." Baekhyum crossed his arms. 

"Yeah well, we love each other and I want to be with him as long as we both should live." She replied. 

Chanyeol was surprised but smiled back at her for her sudden courageness. 

"Well, we're proud of you both. Seeing you become so close with each other is all the more reason why you should be together." Chen replied. 

"Yeah, you guys are so cute." D.O replied. 

"Thanks, but what are we going to do about our boss?" Chanyeol asked. 

"There's no need." 

Everyone bowed at the boss in a respectable matter. 

"I also overheard this onversation and Chanyeol, I agree with your members, you guys do look super cute together. I think we should let EXO-L and Reveluv know about this too." 

"But sir, what if they won't support us?" She aksed.

 "Then that's their problem. But if they sent any death threats, we can be the first to susepnd them from all activity. In the meantime, appearciate what you have in your hands." 

The couple bowed before they looked in each other. They gave a big kiss on the lips, making everyone cheer and the boss pleased. 


A/N: Looks like even SM is supporting couples! 

See you next time!!!!



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