Love yourself: Speak yourself - Y

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A/N: Take some time out for spring cleaning during the equinox on March 20. Purging out the old from your space won't only feel therapeutic but can also create room for new items and energies. If you've got any paraphernalia from relationships long since passed, do yourself a favor and get rid of these outdated mementos. Freeing yourself of these ties to failed love can help make way for new relationships to take root.

Brace yourself for an unpleasant shift on the twenty-first, when the new moon aligns you with loved ones. Staying on top of your self-care should be a priority, and it might not be the best time to strike up a new romance. Use this time to reconnect with the universe, opening your heart to joy, abundance, and love in all forms. 


Once again, BTS is on their world tour and everyone can't help but to get tickets, While everyone is waiting for the next song, BTS is having a costume change before it's time for the solo songs. 

"I'm getting nervous, Kookie. There's so many people." She rubbed her arm up and down.

"Hey, it's going to be fine. Both ARMY and Reveluv have been waiting for this ever since the news have been released." Jungkook comforted her.

"Yeah, we've all got your back." Jimin replied.

"You're going to do absoutely amazing." V said. 

"Thanks, you guys." She said, hugging everyone. 

The music soon started and everyone cheered.

Welcome, first time with BTS?

Ayo ladies & gentleman
If you're ready, I'll start, yeah!
Differently from other guys
With my style, with my style, ayo!

I worked all night, every day
While you were playing in the club
Don't be surprised and listen every day
I got a feel, I got a feel
I'm kinda sick!

Sick sick sick, the smell of sweat in our studio
my ringing dance moves answer
All of you are so weak, such losers, crybabies and idiots
Has nothing to do with me
cuz I'm sick with hope haha

OK, we're sick
from our head to our toes
We're sick with work for half our days
We live sickly in our studios, our youths may rot away
But thanks to that, we're running to success
Girls, scream louder, let it ring

I worked all night, every day
While you were playing in the club
Differently from other guys
I don't wanna say yes
I don't wanna say yes

Make some noise, all right
Till your body burns up, all night (all night)
Cause we got fire (fire!)
Higher (higher!)
I gotta make it, gotta gotta make it
It's sick!

Reject rejection
I was always too much
Everyone follow me
It's sick

Reject rejection
You are all my slaves
Everyone follow me
It's sick

sampo generation? ohpo generation?
Well I like beef jerky so it's yookpo generation
The media and adults say we don't have willpower
condemning us like stocks
Why are they killing us before we can even try, enemy enemy enemy
Why are you hanging your head and accepting it already? energy energy energy
Don't ever give up, you know you not lonely
Our dawn is prettier than the day
So can I get a little bit of hope? (yeah)
Wake your sleeping youth, go

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