Funny Irene - I

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A/N: Despite your calm exterior, you're one of the most driven and motivated members of the zodiac, dear Libra, striving for perfection where others might settle for mediocrity. The beginning of the week will have you ultra-focused on your career. Just try to remember that work isn't the only thing that matters, and set aside some time for play as Pisces season kicks off!

If you're feeling especially strict with your schedule right now, try to squeeze in some time for romance on the twenty-sixth when Venus enters Pisces. Your social life will kick back into gear, putting you in the mood to get out and socialize! Being the center of attention will come easily right now, which will definitely come in handy if you're trying to catch the eye of a new romantic interest. After a week of focusing on your career and friends, use next week as your cue to take a time out for introspection and relaxation.


"And then what happened?" Joy asked as she tucked into her sandwich.

"V laughed and he totally hyped me up with a few other students involved!" Irene told everyone.

The gother girls exclaimed and laughed too.

"Oh my....." Wendy said.

"Nice work, Irene. In this rate, V is sure to call you his." Seulgi said.

Since V's Irene's crush, she needs help on how to apporach him. Seulgi said that V loves funny girls so that they can share the same synergy. The more she makes him laugh, the more she will pinpoint her destination to his heart.

"Hey, speaking of which, look who's coming." Wendy said.

The girls looked over to see Jimin and V walking together. This made her have an crazy idea that it might work.

She decided to stand on top of the table and danced onto the table.

"I mean, i don't know. It's like....." Jimin said, "Woah, check that out."

V looked to see Irene dancing on the table and dancing like there's no one watching. The girls hyped her up and laughed with her. V laughed as they both started to watch her do her stuff.

"WOOOO! GO, IRENE!" V yelled.

She continued doing her thing until one of the teachers saw and told her to step down from the table.

"BOOOOOO!" V yelled.

"V!" Jimin scolded him.

"What?! He's the one who ruined it!" V said.

The end of the day came and Jungkook drove Himin and V to their houses.

"Wasn't Irene super funny?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh yeah. I never laughed so hard in my life." V said.

"Yeah, but it seems a bit unusual." Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked.

"Like, why does she want to become funny all of a sudden?" Jimin wondered.

"Well, maybe she just wants to have a change every once in a while. Even girls like her needs to be fun some ways in life." V said.

"Yeah, that's true. I just hope she's not trying too hard to be funny." Jimin said.

"Please, if there's something about Irene, is that she never tries too hard over anything. Esepcially when it's trying too hard to be funny." V said, "Besides, I like her being funny."

"Me too." Jungkook said.

"Yeah, it's so good to have a laugh." Jimin laughed.

The next day, Red Velvet heads over to their class.

"So, Irene. WHat kind of antics are you going to get up to this time?" Yeri asked.

"Oh, you'll see." Irene said.

The teacher sent up some questions o the board and handed each student their very own whiteboard and pen. Irene thought about something before drawing a very funny sketching.

The skteching says 'Big poofy pants' and it into to a very sketchy drawing of the teacher. Joy looked over to her table and she gasped, giggling.

"What's so funny?"

The teacher saw this and made a scowling face at Irene. Irene laughed and the rest of the class did before she was put into detention.

In dentention, Irene tried her best to focus, but she couldn't since her tummy was growling. That wasn't until V knocked into the classroom door.

"V!" She said.

"Hey, Irene. Who ever thought that you will get detention?" He asked, sitting next to her, "That's real character devlopment."

"Haha, yeah." Irene tucked a piece of her hair back.

Her stomach made another rumbling sound which made her blush.

"Oh dear, haven't you got anything to eat?" He asked.

"No." She rubbed her tummy.

He got out his lunchbox and shared some of her sandwiches with her, which she gladly accept.

"You know..... this whole time, I've been thinking." V said, "You've been trying to make me laugh this whole time, why?"

"Well....." She swallowed, "I've been trying to get your attention. I didn't know how to approach when i first laid my eyes on you. You're so cool and funny and I'm just nothing but a stick in the mud. I told Suelgi about it and she says that you love funny girls. So if I make you laugh, I can become more like your type of girl."

V's expression softened.

"Irene, you don't have to do that. Yes, I love funny girls, but I also love smart girls like you. And even though I like you being funny, I love you so focused on just one single subject and not stopping until even after the bell has rung. I love how ypu also do all these incredible extracircular activites and how dedicated you are. I never seen you so capable of so many things that it makes me feel like...... you're the one that I want to spend my whole life with." He explained.

Her cheeks flushed up as she let out a very soft smile.

"So do you....... want to be my boyfriend?" She shyly asked.

"I thought you never asked." He set down his sandwich.

He touched her face vefre they leaned over for a perfect and sweet kiss.

Meanwhile, the girls are awwing over this sweet moment behind the door.


A/N: And I'm part of that group!

See you next time!!!!!



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