Birthday - SG

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A/N: This week, you might feel some anxiety about love and money. Take this time to ground yourself and stick to a routine you can rely on that soothes you. Any changes that manifest this week are growing pains that will help you shift into a new direction that is more aligned with your path.

In your relationships, you might be inclined to go overboard with spending, so try not to pick the most expensive restaurant and save a little for a rainy day. Try to get outside into nature with your partner, which will help derail the urge to indulge.

On the fourth, make sure you are rested and balanced, as this might be a day of surprises for you. Meet any complications or heated conversations with a logical and grounded mind. By the weekend, you will notice the people surrounding you will loosen up a bit, so next week will be a good time to gather with your best friends.


It's night time at Seulgi's house and she's busy icing the cake for Jimin's birthday. Her mom and her brothers offered to help her out, but she's determined that she can get everything done. From ice cream munchies and eclairs to faboulous punches, it took her a lot of work, but she managed in the end. 

She took a big sip of the punch and smacked her lips. 

Mmm..... just right. 

Her mother soon came in and saw loads of food and drinks, all ready for Jimin's birthday. 

"Wow.... good job, Seulgi." Her mom said.

"I've learnt it from the best. Do you think everyone will love these?" She asked. 

"After seeing your effort, I'm sure they will be calling you asking if they can get the recipe for these." Her mom joked, making her laugh, "Anyway, don't worry about the dishes. I can take care of them. Right now, you should rest up. You deserve it." 

"Thanks, mum!" She said and left to her bedroom. 

Jimin's birthday soon arrived and everyone is busy hiding once they have got the message that Jimin is coming. The lights have been dimmed and everyone was keeping silent. 

They stayed like this for a while until Jimin and V both came in and everyone yelled 'Surprise!' Jimin instantly fell back on his butt in surprise before V laughed and helped him up on his feet. Seulgi came forward with the big cake that's shaped like him. 

"Wow...... you've made this?!" Jimin asked. 

"I sure did, blow out the candles and make a wish!" Seulgi exclaimed. 

Jimin clasped his hands together and wished and wished before blowing out the candles. 

"YAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIMIN!" Everyone yelled. 

Mingyu and Lisa are drinking on some punch after stuffing themselves with food. 

"Mingyu, what's wrong?" She asked. 

"I just don't want you to go on tour again." He replied. 

Lisa sighed sadly. BLACKPIK is having another world tour and won't be back until next year at summer time.

"Hey, don't fret. If you want, you can always come and join us on tour. I can even ask our staff if they can allow you. After all, you're my boyfriend and everyone loves you as much as I do." She said. 

"Really?" He asked, "You'd do that for me?" 

"Of course, that way we can still be together without feeling the heartache." She smiled. 

"That will mean everything to me." He smiled genuinely. 

Soobin felt someone touch his shoulder and he smiled as it was Lia. 

"Hey, Soobin." Lia smiled. 

"Hey, there. This is a great party." He said. 

"Yeah, Seulgi really outdid herself..... Um......" Lia started, "Are you free next week?" 

"Yeah, I am. Why?" He asked. 

"Uh...... well..... I was wondering that um.... there's a cute dog cafe that just opened last month and I'd like it if you can come." She said. 

"Are you asking me on a date?" He asked. 

She blushed as she nodded.

"That sounds super cute. I'd love to go. And then after that, we can go to my favourite sushi place, they serve halibut there." He said. 

"You love halibut too?" She asked. 

"Yeah, it's amazing." He smiled. 

"Tell me about it, loads of people keep thinking that it's boring!" She exclaimed.

He chuckled, knowing that they have loads in common. 

"Um..... Wooyoung, can I talk to you privately?" Gahyeon asked. 

"Sure." Wooyoung said.

They both went outside as she's trying to calm down her racing heart. 

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" He asked. 

"Uh........ I just want to say...... how much I like you. No, I love you, Wooyoung. I love your smile, your laughter, everything in between. I have always have been ever since we promoted 'Scream'. In fact, once I saw your performance, it just keeps making me scream. So much that my members tell me to shut up. *giggles* Anyway.... I'm really in love with you and I just want you to be mine before it's too late." She confessed, "But if just want to be friends, the I won't stop you, but my feelings won't change." 

"I don't want to be friends with you, Gahyeon...... I'm in love with you too. Loads of ATINY already know about your crush on me and I was first surprised, because I didn't even know that someone has a big crush on me. But when I first met you, I instantly understood why. You're like everything I can ever want in this universe and I was actually planning to confess to you about how I feel.

But I'm glad that you did it before me. I may be a social butterfly but I get stiff around pretty girls. So long story short, I'd love for you to be my girlfriend." He smiled.

She smiled as she tucked a piece of her hair before leaning over to give him a peck on the lips. He noticed that and pulled her back in for a full kiss. 

After a day of festivities, it's time for everyone to go back home. 

"Seulgi, thank you so much." Jimin smiled. 

"For what?" She asked. 

"For cooking for my birthday. The food was on fire, I think I saw a couple of people drooling over them." He laughed, "Do yout think you can do that again?" 

"Haha, sure." She kissed his lips. 


A/N: If Seulgi can cook for my birthday, then I'd be in peace!

Now Wendy has collabed with Melodance with a song called Miracle. Check it out!

Their voices sound so beautiful mixed together......

See you next time!!!!



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