The zoo - I

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A/N: With your ruling planet, Venus, camped out in stoic Capricorn, you'll be in the mood to stay in more over the next several weeks. These sentiments will become amplified on the fourteenth when Saturn establishes a minor connection with Venus. The universe will ask you to think about what you want for the future, which includes the type of romantic partner you do and do not want.

The energy could get a little heavy while you sort out your feelings, so it'll be important that you're extra gentle with yourself while still taking a realistic disposition toward your path moving forward. Finding your personal stability should come first, with romance taking its place as a secondary priority.

Though the vibe may feel a bit heavy at the beginning of the week, you can expect much lighter energy to take over on the twelfth and thirteenth when the moon makes its way through Leo, which brings a jovial energy to you. This lunar placement will activate the sector of your chart that rules aspirations and hopes. Your hard work will have big payoffs during this time, but it'll also be important to take some time out to meditate on your goals, and don't forget to ask the universe for help and guidance!


One sunny day, Seulgi and Wendy are playing a video game where the doorbell started ringing. Seulgi groaned as she paused the game annoyingly and checked to see who it could be. 

She opened it and saw that it was V. 

"V, hey!" Seulgi said.

"Hi, is Irene here? We're going to the zoo today."  He said. 

"Yeah, she's here. Irene, V's here!" Seulgi shouted. 

Irene came downstairs in a hurry and saw V in his casual wear. 

"Hey there, you ready to go?" Irene asked. 

"Yep. We'll see you guys next time!" V said. 

Wendy and Seulgi waved them off as the couple head off hand in hand. 

They soon arrived at the zoo and the first thing they have spotted was the zebra exhibit. A Zebra named Marty all sorts of cool tricks from catching water in his mouth to spraying the audience that got everyone soaked. 

"Well, that was disgusting." She said. 

"Yeah, but it still was fun to see. I don't think many zebras can do those many tricks all at once." He replied. 

"True!" She beamed. 

Then, as they got to the lion exhibit, disaster seems to struck. The lion has seemed to escape and was about to attack. Everyone was really scared anf frightened for their lives. 

It started roaring evry loud but there was another roar that's even louder. It was V's stomach. It roared even louder than the lion. The lion was really scared of it and went back to the cage like it should be. 

The people cheered and clapped for V as he just turned into a big tomato. 

"I say, was that you, old chap?" 

"No, that was my tummy." He rubbed on it. 

"Wow, when all the members say that you have alien like behavior, there were not kidding." She giggled. 

V giggled after as his stomach let out another growl. 

"Come on, let's find something to reward you and fill that rumbling tummy." She said. 

They went to the snack parlour and they all sorts of food while they talked and talked. 

"Do you remember back at the time where you were os drunk, you couldn't even see straight?" She asked. 

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