Dream of you - SG

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A/N: With your ruling planet, Venus, camped out in Aquarius, you'll be in the mood for more romance over the next several weeks. These sentiments will become amplified throughout the week when the moon makes several alliances with sweet Venus while sharing an unbalanced aspect with the North Node. The universe will ask you to think about what you want for the future, which includes the type of romantic partner you do and do not want.

The energy could get a little heavy while you sort out your feelings. So, it'll be important that you're extra gentle with yourself while taking a realistic disposition toward your path. Finding your personal stability should come first, with romance taking its place as a secondary priority.

Though the vibe may feel a bit heavy at the beginning of the week, you can expect a much lighter energy to take over. Your hard work will have big payoffs during this time, but it'll also be important to take some time out to meditate on your goals, and don't forget to ask the universe for help and guidance.


One night, everyone was heading back home after a wonderful time at Seulgi's house. 

"I'm really glad we can have these moments with you." Jimin hugged Seulgi.

"Me too." Seulgi replied. 

"It's so nice to see you guys, I feel like it's been ages since we've last saw each other." Wendy hugged J-hope.

"Tell me about it, it's not like back in the usual days where we can see whatever we want. With world tours, comebacks and all of this junk, parties are especially rare." J-hope said. 

"True, but at least things like this is better than never. This night has been truly unforgettable. *sees Jungkook making out with a lamp* More or less with some of others, anyway." RM giggled.

Jin and J-hope and Yoongi and Jungkook up to their feets as everyone left.

"Bye, Seulgi!" Everyone said. 

"Bye!" Seulgi called out.

She closed the door as she's sure that there are no more guests in her house. She stumbled all the way to her room to fit into something more comfortable because being in this party dress is not only sreeks of beer, but she just feels like vomiting if she wears this even longer than what she needs to.

After she's finished changing, she flopped straight to bed, letting her tosicated self double her sleepiness. It wasn't long until she fell into a very deep sleep. 

She woke up in a middle of the room, but it doesn't seem to be in her room. In fact, it seems something like luxury beach hotel room, only no one seems to be outside. It's all dark with the stars shining from the outside. 

The door soon opened to find Jimin shirtless with only his plaid jacket and his shorts. 


Oh, hey. You're up, I'm so glad for that. 

Where are we?

We're at the beach, silly. You were drowning by the tide so I had to carry you here.

You carried me here bridal style? You didn't have to do that.

For you, I would do anything.

Considering his words, her heart started to skip a beat. She doesn't know why but somehow, a beckoning prescence convinced her to lean forward, So she did. 

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