Arts & Crafts - J

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A/N: With Venus, your ruling planet, squaring avenue on the sixteenth, it's hard to predict where love will take you right now, which is exactly why you'll be focused on creating emotional security for yourself. This sentiment will become even more pronounced on the seventeenth when the Capricorn moon triggers this aspect.

The days ahead are perfect for reinvesting in your home, making you feel supported by the universe and yourself, even if love isn't part of your current path. The sixteenth and seventeenth will be especially empowering for you. The planets will work together to help you tap into your strength, reminding you of how much you've overcome while opening your heart up to yourself.

Use this energy to appreciate every heartache you've gotten yourself through, and make a personal vow that you will not invite anyone into your heart that isn't genuine, kind, and encouraging of your soul's evolution. While you're at it, take a moment to appreciate the friends and family members that have stood by you throughout the years. 


Sungjae was waiting for his girlfriend to comy by once again. He's always used to her being so late so this isn't even an exception. Soon, he started to see her figure rushing over to him. He waved at her before she waved at him back. 

As soon as she stopped, she breathed in heavily. 

"Oh dear, you just can't help yourself, can you?" He asked. 

"Yeri told me that there's this new series that everyone's dying to watch and I have to watch the season premire of it before anyone gives me any spoilers." She explained herself as they headed indoors. 

"Really? What's it called?" He asked. 

"It's called Moon invaders and Yeri said that Jimin will be starring in it too! As a main character!" Joy jumped up and down. 

"Wow, that sounds awesome. You've got to talk to me more about this." He replied. 

In Arts & Crafts class, everyone is getting along with their projects. Joy is busy making a necklace for her mom while Sungjae is making a little birdhouse for his pet budgie. He banged on a nail, but while he was talking to her, he accidentally banged his nail. 

He dropped while he was doing and held his finger in pain. 

"Are you okay?" She asked. 

"Aah....." He hissed in pain, "Yeah, I'll be fine." 

"What's happened?" Mrs U witnessed the situation, "Oh dear, Sungjae. You're bleeding." 

Mrs U quickly got out her first aid kit before placing a bandaid on his finger. 

"There, does that help?" Mrs U asked. 

"Yeah, thank you." He replied. 

"I swear, Mrs U is always like a mom to us. As soon as she sees something wrong with us, she aids us like we're her children." Peniel replied. 

"I know, but I don't mind. And at least she cares for us like that instead of just seeing her as her students." Sungjae replied. 

"True. Oh, Joy. I heard that Jimin has starred as a main character in that new show. Is that true?" Minhyuk asked. 

"Yeah, it's going to be lit! I stayed up all night just to see the premiere of it." Joy replied. 

"You stayed up all night? But the show doesn't start until 4pm." Minhyuk said. 

"I know, but whenever something exciting happens, I get all hyped up and...... I just couldn't get to sleep! And since Jimin is starring in it, it makes things even more better!" She clapped her hands. 

"That sounds like one heck of a show." Minhyuk replied. 

"Tell me about it." Joy said. 

It's soon lunchtime and the girls all hanged out at their table at the cafeteria. 

"Oh my gosh, I thought lunchtime will never come around. I'm so starving." Seulgi replied. 

"Me too. All this hard work is sure enough to bring you an appetite. Would you say so, Irene?" Yeri asked. 

"Yeah, I guess." Irene replied. 

"Hey, what's going on, Irene?" Joy asked. 

"Yeah, why are you so sad?" Wendy asked. 

"Ha.... me and V had a fight last night about me hanging out with Bobby." Irene sighed. 

"What are you doing hanging out with Bobby?" Yeri asked. 

"Jisoo has got trouble with her larynx which means she can't talk or be around with anyone for a few days. And since he's got this music exam coming up, he asked me to come around and help him." Irene explained, "I tried to explain that we're only just friends, but he doesn't seem to listen." 

"Yikes." Joy said. 

"Speaking of which, he comes now." Seulgi replied. 

V came over with a very sorrowful look. 

"Hey.... girls......" V said, " Um..... Irene, I'm so sorry for how I acted. I know that you and Bobby are friends, but I just can't shake this pride of mine sayig that you're cheating on me with him." 

"What? That's the most absurd thing I have ever heard. You know full well I would never cheat on you. I only wanted to help Bobby out, but you didn't listen to me." Irene said. 

"I know, and I'm incredibly sorry. I should have never led my pride win. I should have just kept my big mouth shut and wait to hear what you have to say before jumping into conclusions." V apologized, "What can I do to make it up to you?" 

"You've already done enough." Irene said, "By being there for me now and forever." 

V smiled before he gave a big kiss on Irene's lips. The girls cooed before he headed off somewhere. 

"Well, glad that has been sorted out." Yeri replied. 

"Oh look, Irene's blushing!" Joy exclaimed. 

"What?! I don't blush, you guys must have been seeing things!" Iren denied. 

"Oh no, don't you dare deny it. We've got eyes!" Wendy replied. 

"Um.... Um...." Irene said all flustered.

As the girls teased, Irene's skin became more and more red by the minute until she was as red as a tomato.  The girls laughed as they've got their phone out. 


A/N: Irene blushing?! FOR REAL?!?!


Anyway, Yeri posted a cover for My Sweetie: 

And our girls are gearing up for a concert:

See you next time!!!!



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