The day we met - J

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A/N: Serendipitous encounters will manifest on March 1, when Venus and Jupiter connections. With this energy present, your future can change in the blink of an eye, so be on the lookout for new paths. These vibes also bode well for embracing romance, and if you've been teetering on the edge of a relationship — you could get pushed one way or another. Just try not to feel heartbroken if you don't find yourself with a new love interest by the end of the day. It only means that you're on the path towards a greater love in the future.

You'll want to strike a balance between being open without feeling vulnerable in order to make the most of this cosmic climate. The end of the week opens the door for flirting, as the Leo moon heightens the romance factor. Your charm will be hard to resist, so make sure you choose your targets wisely.


Joy was rushing out opf the house as she was going to be late for school. She dashed worriedly on what the teacher will think. She was so busy rushing that she didn't even know someone wasin front of her. 

They both tripped over on the ground with a loud thud. 

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" 

"Yeah..... I'm fine." She groaned, "What about you?" 

"I'm fine too." He replied. 

He lended a hand up and she gladly took it. Her eyes twinkled over how cute the boy is. She'd never seen anyone that's so cute before.

"What are you doing, rushing like that?" He asked. 

"I'm late for school and I have to be there in 20 minutes or everyone would have my head!" She exclaimed. 

"If you want, I can give you a shortcut on how to get there quicker." He suggested. 

"Oh, yes. Yes, please!" She exclaimed. 

"Haahaha, great. Follow me." He replied. 

The two went down the shortcut before finally seeing the school that's right above them. 

"Oh, thank you so much. With 10 minutes to spare!" She exclaimed, "It's way more quicker and faster than the usual route that I took." 

"Hey, anytime to help clumsy girls like you." He replied. 

"Hey, I'm not a klutz!" She exclaimed. 

"Hahahaha, whatever you say." He replied, "I better get going to work, but I'll see you whenever....."

"Oh, my name is Joy." She introduced herself. 

"My name is Sungjae." He introduced himself, "Do you want to exchange numbers so we can see each other again?" 

"Sure." She replied. 

They've got their phones out and they exchanged their numbers before going to their seperate ways. 

Meanwhile, at the classroom, Irene, Seulgi, Wendy and Yeri were looking from outside the window.

"I wonder who Joy was talking to." Irene replied. 

"I don't know, but he seems kind of cute." Yeri replied. 

"Yeah, he also seems friendly too." Irene replied. 

As Joy reached to the classroom, she saw the girls before heading to her seat. 

"Hey, Joy. Who's the boy you were talking to?" Wendy asked. 

"His name was Sungjae and----- Wait a minute, how did you even know about that?" Joy asked. 

"We can see you from  the window." Seulgi replied. 

"Oh, right. Anyway.... he helped me with a shortcut and this is the time that I've been here and the bell didn't go off yet." Joy replied. 

"Oh yeah, I've just realized that." Wendy replied. 

"Are you going to meet him again?" Yeri asked. 

"We've exchanged each other's numbers so there's a definte possiblity it will happen." Joy answered, "Maybe one day, I can meet him at work, if I can find out where he works." 

The teacher soon came into the classroom and everyone sat down to their seats. 

From this day forward, the two became even closer than ever. He would vit her at the school and she would visit him on where he works. It wasn't too long before they immediately became friends and years on, they became lovers. 

Then one day, everything changed for the better as he took her to a middle of a field underneath a super starry night. 

"I love you so much, Joy. Even though you're klutz, you never failed to look on the positive side. You give everyone hope, no matter what and for that, I am eternally grateful. I hope we can be each other's hope whenever things get dark or whenever things get bleak." He replied. 

He bended over on one knee and he presented a beautiful pink ring. She gasped as she looked at it and her eyes began to water. It's like everythin that she read in storybooks and fairytales are all true. And now, she gets to have her own happy ending.

"Joy, will you make me the happiest man alive and blaze our way to a happy ending?" He asked earnestly. 

She nodded as she screamed and tackled him onto the ground. She kissed his face as he chuckled. 


"Okay, one more push!" 

Joy pushed and pushed as she squeezed onto Sungjae's hand. The pain was super unbearable but after hearing the baby cry, she felt super exhausted. 

"Oh..... my....." She exasperated. 

"You've done super well, babe. You've done it." Sungjae whispered. 

As the nurses and midwives helped the settle the baby before checking on all of her measurements, Joy closed her eyes, tired of pushing. 

"When are the others are going to get here?" Joy asked, 

"They're all going to be here really soon. Would you like me to get something for you to help bring the energy back into you?" He asked. 

"Yeah, do we have any sweets?" She asked. 

"Sure." He replied. 

2 hours later, all of their friends have arrived and they each took the newborn in their arms. 

"So is it a boy or a girl?" Seulgi asked. 

"It's a girl and her name is Emily." Joy replied. 

"Wrlcome to the world, Emily." Irene held her, "Now Chloe can have have a playdate." 

"Oh, that will be so wholesome!" Yeri exclaimed, making everyone agree. 


A/N: Yes, that would be so fucking wholesome! 

See you next time!!!!



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