A surprise visit - SG

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A/N: Serendipitous encounters will manifest on the twenty-fifth when the Cancer moon shares sweet connections with the Nodes of Fate. With this energy present, your future can change within the blink of an eye, so be on the lookout for new paths. These vibes also bode well for embracing romance.

If you've been teetering on the edge of a relationship, you could get pushed one way or another. Just try not to feel heartbroken if you don't find yourself with a new love interest by the end of the day. It only means that you're on the path toward greater love in the future.

Communicative Mercury, currently in retrograde, asks you to speak from the heart without letting down your boundaries too quickly. You'll want to strike a balance between being open without feeling vulnerable to make the most of this cosmic climate. The weekend will open the door for flirting, as the Leo moon gives you the opportunity to speak from the heart. Your charm will be hard to resist, so make sure you choose your targets wisely.


BTS is on their world tour once again and they are now at New York, giving their everything all they got before the seats are all filled up. As they are just going through what to do about today, they all suddenly hear a voice. 

They looked to see where it was and Jimin couldn't even believe it. Jimin gasped as he raced his way to Seulgi and lifted her up into the air. very happy to see her. 

"Oh my gosh, where the hell have you been? I literally haven't seen you in 3 years!" He replied. 

"I know..... I'm so sorry, babe. But I thought I'd come over here to see you and give everyone some fantastic news!" She said, "I'll be joining you guys on tour!" 

The boys cheered as Jimin's eyes sparkled with pure delight. 

"That's awesome! Now we catch up on everything!" Jimin clapped his hands. 

They all gathered around with a big group hug. 

Hours later, the song started to play. 

My blood, sweat and tears
My last dance
Take it away
My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath
Take it away
My blood, sweat and tears

Even my blood, sweat and tears
Even my body, heart and soul
I know that it's all yours
This is a spell that'll punish me

Peaches and cream
Sweeter than sweet
Chocolate cheeks
And chocolate wings
But your wings are wings of the devil
In front of your sweet is bitter bitter

Kiss me, I don't care if it hurts,
Hurry and choke me
So I can't hurt any more
Baby, I don't care if I get drunk, I'll drink you in now
Your whiskey, deep into my throat

My blood, sweat and tears
My last dance
Take it away
My blood, sweat and tears
My cold breath
Take it away

I want you a lot, a lot, a lot
I want you a lot, a lot, a lot
I want you a lot, a lot, a lot
I want you a lot, a lot, a lot

I don't care if it hurts, tie me up
So I can't run away
Grab me tightly and shake me
So I can't snap out of it
Kiss me on the lips lips,
Our own little secret
I wanna be addicted to your prison
So I can't serve anyone that's not you
Even though I know, I drink the poisonous Holy Grail

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