Movie marathon - SG

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A/N: Despite your calm exterior, dear Libra, you're one of the zodiac's most driven and motivated members, striving for perfection where others might settle for mediocrity. The beginning of the week will have you ultra-focused on your career as the Cancer moon illuminates the sector of your chart that rules professional ambitions. Just try to remember that work isn't the only thing that matters, and try to set aside some time for play as Venus enters Gemini on the tenth.

If you're feeling especially strict with your schedule, try to squeeze in some time for romance. Your social life will kick back into gear over the weekend when the moon changes signs into Aquarius, putting you in the mood to get out and socialize! Being the center of attention will come easily right now, especially if you're trying to catch the eye of a new romantic interest.

However, you'll want to slip back under the radar on the evening of the fifteenth when the moon moves into Pisces, triggering the sector of your chart that rules your health. After a week of focusing on your career and friends, use this as your cue to take a time-out for introspection and relaxation.


Jimin and Seulgi are just chilling in his house, watching some movies. He pressed play ont he sky dish and they sat back to watch the magic do its work. 

IIn 1997, probationary secret agent Lee Unwin sacrifices himself to save his superior, Harry Hart. Blaming himself for Lee's death, Harry returns to London and gives Lee's young son Gary "Eggsy" a medal engraved with an emergency assistance number.

Seventeen years later, Eggsy is a rebellious chav, having dropped out of training for the Royal Marines despite his intelligence and talent for gymnastics and parkour.[11][12] Arrested for stealing a car, Eggsy calls the emergency number, leading Harry to arrange his release and subdue Eggsy's abusive stepfather's gang. Harry explains that he is a member of Kingsman, a private intelligence service founded by the British elite who lost their heirs in World War I and put their money toward protecting the world; the organisation is named for the tailor shop in Savile Row used as a front for their operations.Harry, codename "Galahad", nominates Eggsy to replace agent "Lancelot", who was killed by the assassin Gazelle while trying to rescue radical climate change scientist Professor James Arnold from kidnappers. Kingsman's technical support operative "Merlin" discovers Arnold working as though nothing has happened. Hart attempts to interrogate the professor at Imperial College London, but a microchip in Arnold's neck explodes, killing him and putting Harry in a coma. The detonation signal is traced to Gazelle's employer Richmond Valentine, a billionaire philanthropist who has offered everyone in the world SIM cards with free cellular and Internet access. Hart, after recovering from his coma, poses as another philanthropist to meet Valentine.Eggsy befriends fellow Kingsman trainee Roxy, and he endures Merlin's tests until they are the only candidates left. However, Eggsy refuses his final test — seemingly shooting a Pug puppy he was given to raise — and Roxy is named the new "Lancelot". Harry learns of Valentine's connection to a religious hate group and travels to their church in Kentucky, wearing glasses containing a video transceiver. As Eggsy watches Harry's footage, Valentine triggers the SIM cards inside the church with a signal that causes the parishioners and Harry to become murderously violent. Harry is the only survivor thanks to his fighting abilities, but is shot in the face by Valentine, apparently killing him.Eggsy returns to Kingsman headquarters and notices Chester King, codename "Arthur" and Kingsman's leader, has the same implantation scar on his neck as Professor Arnold. King reveals Valentine's plan to transmit his violence-inducing signal worldwide, "culling" most of humanity to avert its extinction from global warming. Valentine has recruited various world leaders and wealthy elite to his cause, implanted with chips to protect them from the signal; those who refuse are held captive at his bunker, including Crown Princess Tilde of Sweden. King poisons Eggsy's drink, but Eggsy switches glasses while distracting him, letting King poison himself instead.Eggsy, Merlin and Roxy locate Valentine's bunker, where many of his conspirators are gathered. Roxy pilots high-altitude balloons to break up Valentine's satellite network, but he secures a replacement. Merlin flies to the bunker, where Eggsy masquerades as King but is discovered by failed Kingsman recruit Charlie Hesketh. Cornered by Valentine's men, Merlin activates the implanted chips' failsafe, killing the guards and conspirators as heads explode around the world. Valentine activates the signal, triggering worldwide pandemonium. Eggsy kills Gazelle and impales Valentine with one of Gazelle's sharpened prosthetic blades, stopping the signal, and shares the sexual encounter Princess Tilde offered him for saving the world.In a mid-credits scene, Eggsy, now the new "Galahad", offers his mother and baby half-sister a new home and prepares to take on his stepfather and gang, just as Harry once did.

One year after the defeat of Richmond Valentine, Gary "Eggsy" Unwin has officially joined the Kingsman intelligence service, taking his late mentor Harry Hart's title of "Galahad", and begun a relationship with Tilde, Crown Princess of Sweden. He is ambushed by Charlie Hesketh, a former Kingsman trainee who lost his arm and vocal cords during the Valentine incident, replacing them with cybernetics. Eggsy evades Charlie and his henchmen in a car chase across London, but Charlie's severed cybernetic arm hacks into the Kingsman database through Eggsy's car. Charlie passes the information to Poppy Adams — leader of the world's largest drug cartel, the Golden Circle — who launches a volley of missiles that destroy the Kingsman headquarters and wipes out all its agents in Britain, aside from Eggsy and Merlin, Kingsman's tech support.Kingsman's emergency protocol leads Eggsy and Merlin to Statesman, an American private intelligence service posing as a Bourbon whiskey distillery in Kentucky, as well as Kingsman's American counterpart. There, they discover that Harry survived his shooting thanks to Statesman nanotechnology, but is suffering from amnesia. They also learn about the Golden Circle from Statesman head Champagne, and the two agencies agree to work together to bring the cartel down. Statesman agent Tequila later develops a blue rash and shows signs of mania, and is replaced by agent Whiskey as Eggsy's partner. Eggsy plants a tracking device on Charlie's ex-girlfriend Clara Von Gluckfberg during a sexual encounter at Glastonbury Festival, but his revelation of the mission to Tilde strains their relationship.Eggsy cures Harry's amnesia by threatening to shoot a Cairn Terrier puppy that resembles Harry's late dog, shortly before Poppy broadcasts a message to the world about a toxin she has secretly added to all her drugs, which causes users to develop symptoms like Tequila's before paralysis and, ultimately, death. She offers the antidote if the President of the United States ends his country's war on drugs and grants her cartel immunity from prosecution. The President decides to quarantine everyone affected, including Chief of Staff Fox, intending to let them all die to put Poppy out of business and rid the world of drug users, whom he sees as criminals.Eggsy, Harry, and Whiskey track Clara to the Golden Circle's antidote factory in the mountains of Italy. Eggsy steals an antidote sample, which is broken by Whiskey during an ambush by the Golden Circle's henchmen, leading Harry to suspect him of working against them. Harry shoots Whiskey in the head, but Eggsy, believing Harry to be delusional as a result of his recovery, saves him with nanotechnology as Charlie destroys the antidote factory, killing Clara for unwittingly betraying the Golden Circle. Tilde calls Eggsy in a manic state, revealing she has been affected by the blue rash after taking drugs due to her stress over Eggsy's infidelity. Eggsy, Harry, and Merlin discover the location of Poppy's hideout, "Poppy Land", in Cambodia and fly there to steal the laptop which can deploy the drones carrying the antidote.Arriving at Poppy Land, Eggsy steps on a land mine, but Merlin switches places with Eggsy and sacrifices himself instead. Storming the lair, Eggsy kills Charlie while Harry destroys Poppy's robotic attack dogs with the help of Elton John, who had been kidnapped by Poppy. They secure the laptop and inject Poppy with a concentrated dose of her own toxin-infused heroin. Poppy gives them the laptop password in a drugged state, but dies from an overdose due to the heroin. Whiskey interrupts them before they can deploy the drones, revealing that he wants all drug users to die after his pregnant wife was killed in a robbery by meth addicts. Eggsy and Harry fight and kill Whiskey by throwing him headfirst into a industrial-grade meat grinder, then deploy the drones to release the antidote, saving the affected victims throughout the world.The President is impeached for conspiring to commit genocide against drug victims, and Statesman purchases a distillery in Scotland to help rebuild Kingsman. Statesman tech support specialist Ginger Ale is appointed to Whiskey's position, Eggsy marries Princess Tilde, and Tequila takes an exchange assignment at Kingsman (presumably as partial punishment for his implied drug use), which acquires a new tailor shop in London.-----------------------------------------------------

A/N: I know it seems like big blurbs, but it will make sense to you shortly. 

Anyway, see you next time!!!!



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