In Control

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It was mid-day now, and Ranboo was ready to start his and Tubbo's plan. So, watching Tommy do this and that seemed more like stalling than 'waiting for the perfect moment'. Therefore, the tallest of the household made up his mind to talk to him.

Tommy was sitting on the kitchen floor petting clementine. The floor, Ranboo noticed, was a lot dirtier than the week before. The cat hair was a clear indicator that this room was clementine's favorite out of them all.

Ranboo didn't know how to start the conversation. He kept thinking of what to say while he stared at the boy. Maybe 'hey how's it going?' Or 'sup man'? Nah, Ranboo thought, he needs something not too threatening and not too chillax, something in between.

But Ranboo's decision making didn't last long. Tommy noticed his presence in the kitchen doorway and did it for him. "Hi Mark."

Ranboo stood awkwardly, his position adjusting and loosened himself from the door frame. "God- okay, it's been awhile since you've called me that." Tommy nodded and stood infront of him. Ranboo looked at him as he looked back for a long moment. "Yeah, just been thinking about our friendships and stuff. Like- i don't know, how we are with each other. I think it's cool you guys trust me with who you are, besides just being some silly online persona."

Wow, he is really going deep.' Ranboo thought, feeling a tad sorry for him. "Yeah, but i prefer Tommy over Tom. You're too childlike to be called something as sophisticated as 'Tom'"

Now all ranboo had to do was change the subject, get him on the right track...

Ranboo walked into the kitchen and leaned by the microwave. He wanted tommy to feel comfortable, but he didn't know how.

"I dunno about 'childlike', I've handled my fair share of adult things."

"Like what?"


Tommy felt a flash of cold come over him. He had delt with so much. He had handled fights, alcoholics, a job, his mental state, living independently. "Holy shit, Mark." A tear left his eye. He looked up at Ranboo. "My life's just been one big war."

"O- oh."

They hugged, suddenly. It was tight and long. Tommy cried for the thousandth time in his arms. "It's okay Tommy, I'm sorry for bringing it up. Ranboo felt so guilty at this moment. If only this were easier.

Tommy froze, going limp in Ranboo's arms. This scared him. "Tommy? Tommy?" He held his fading body out by the shoulders. Tommy's eyes fluttered occasionally, tears still falling from them. "Wh- oh god-" Ranboo began to shake. He didn't know what was going on, and why Tommy isn't being responsive.

Ranboo was trying his best to wake Tommy again when out of the blew, he shut his eyes completely. It wasn't a 'guess I'll die' close, but more tight and like you're adjusting to the sun at three in the afternoon. "Oh my god- you're alright? Tommy?"

The blonde opened his eyes, fluttered them, and looked up at Ranboo. "H- what...?" Tommy spoke, too. Ranboo cupped Tommy's soaked cheeks frantically.

"Oh my god, I honestly thought you were dying! I'm- I'm so sorry man." Tommy put a hand on one of Ranboo's. "Uh... Oh..." Tommy let his hand follow Ranboo's as he put them down. Both Ranboo's and Tommy's left hands clutched each other in between them. "I think- I think Tommy left, Ranboo."

The brunette was confused, what did he mean by that. "What?" Tommy gave him a sorrow look from below. He removed his hand from his and held his own wrapped around a part of his shirt. He clutched it as he spoke. "Tommy left, up... Up here." He removed a hand and pointed at his head slowly.

"I... This is my second time, Ranboo. My second time being conscious, or like, up front in the brain." Ranboo was silent. "What do you mean? He like swapped places with you? Is he okay?"

Ranboo moved his hands from his hips to his neck to his head, trying to wrap it all around his head. "Yeah, i think- i think he just needed to calm down. He can't handle stress, not like he used to at least... That's why I'm here."

Ranboo gave a stern look to the floor. He put his finger out like he was lecturing the other. "Hold- okay, hold on." He held his head and speed walked out of the kitchen.

The blonde was left alone in the kitchen, feeling bad that they had to know this way.

"Oh Tommy..." He said to himself, his head hung low.


Ranboo blurred through the living room and past the bathroom. He knocked on the guest bedroom quickly. "Yeah?" It sounded like Tubbo was napping. Ranboo opened the door with the swift click the lock made as it swiped across the frame.

"Can you- can you come help me?" The tired brit immediately perked up from his half laying position. The pile of blankets below him flattened around him as he did so. "With what?" He began to stand and Ranboo approached him to assist.

"With Tommy- something happened and, I don't know- I don't really know how to explain." Tubbo's eyes widened a tinge and he aturdied himself. "Okay, c'mon then." Tubbo rushed to out the hall and looked around until he spotted Tommy in the kitchen. He ran for a few steps and jump-scared the teen by grabbing below his shoulders. "Tommy? Are you okay? Look at me."

The tall figure behind him came around and looked at the blonde. Tommy looked frightened for a moment and gave a weary smile. His eyes darted from place to place. "He said 'Tommy left' after coming out of like, a state of... Whaddya... Disassociation."

The shortest nodded and patted the blonde for a moment like a baby coming out of the tub. "He was having memory issues a couple days ago too... It's not like we can just take him to the hospital, people think he's dead. "

Tommy gave wide eyes at Tubbo. "Really? They think He's- I'm dead? Why?" Tubbo and Ranboo shared looks before putting their attention back on Tommy. "People gave up on looking for you, assumed you were attacked or killed. You can blame your parents for that." Tubbo had sass in his voice, seething through his teeth the hatred he had for those two barbarians.

"Oh, yeah..." Ranboo put his hand behind Tommy and gestured for movement. "Here, let's go sit in the living room and figure this all out."

Tubbo nodded and followed his taller friends to the other room. They all sat down with Tommy in the center and began to talk again. "Are you feeling okay?" Ranboo asked, Tommy just nodded. "I don't know about Tommy though- god- I'm so sorry."

"Hey man, it's okay. It wasn't your fault, you're helping if anything." Tommy looked at Tubbo and smiled. "Hey, um, how did this happen anyways? Mind if I ask?" Tommy gripped his shirt again like he did before, debating what to say.

"He's had me for awhile, actually. I kinda was there for things he didn't want to remember, but then it escalated as he got overwhelmed, and soon I was there for things he didn't want to experience. He's like, super weak now- it scared me the first time I was... y'know..." He gestured towards his lanky body before he spoke again.

"...In control."


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