christmas tree ☁️

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lower case intended

it was christmas eve morning !!! always the best. it was snowing so prettily outside, the snowflakes falling onto the window. everything was so beautiful, glad it was a snowy christmas.

seungmin and hyunjin were cuddled up in bed, but one of them was awake. seungmin, he's always awake early. he didn't move so hyunjin could stay sleeping. he turned around to face his beautiful boyfriends face. he smiled at him gently cupping his cheeks. he then saw a sleepy face open it's eyes. hyunjin had a goofy smile on his face, his eyes fluttering to stay open.

"hey baby~" hyunjin said almost as a whisper. seungmin kissed him on the lips and hyunjin kissed back.

"let's get up, i planned something for us" hyunjin said waking up more. hyunjin grabbed seungmins wrists and he followed behind him.
hyunjin pulled out an outfit he had planned for seungmin for weeks for this day !

" look minnie ! i got this outfit just for you. hurry and try it !!" hyunjin said with the brightest smile. seungmin giggled and went to go try it on.

seungmin walked back out after changing, and to say hyunjins jaw dropped was an understatement. hyunjin ran up to seungmin and hugged him so tight. he gave him kisses all over his face.

"omg baby !! you look so adorable i could eat you up !" hyunjin said squeezing seungmin so tight.

"i get it im cute hyun !! but it's so pretty, you've got good taste." seungmin said happily. hyunjin flipped his hair in sass.

hyunjin then got ready, they both looked like the best couple in town ! (which they were, duh /lh)
they were going to leave and seungmin stopped him.

"hyunjin, what are we doing ? i know im just following you around but you never told me. tell me baby !!"

"it's a surprise, im sure you'll love it !"

hyunjin took him to a christmas WONDERLAND. seungmin was in awe.

"baby.. this place is beautiful.." seungmin said with his jaw dropped.

"i'm so glad you like it love, we have so much to do. let's go ice skating ?!" hyunjin said happily. seungmin nodded and hyunjin dragged him to the rink.

it was so beautiful, the lights were on around it and snow falling made it so gorgeous. the both our their skates and stepped in.

"jin im gonna slip ! hold my hand !!" seungmin said worriedly. hyunjin laughed at him and helped him on the ice. soon seungmin got the hang of it and they both were skating around. there fingers were still intertwined while skating.

they both had so much fun already. the went to the stores and bought a bunch of things like ; candy, hats, scarfs, and cute stuff hyunjin thought matches minnie.

seungmin wanted to get a picture with hyunjin by the huge christmas tree standing in the middle of the stores.

seungmin tugged on hyunjins jacket a bit, "jin, let's get a picture at the christmas tree !" hyunjin nodded and followed him there.

they soon got at the tree. they stood there admiring it a bit since it was beautiful. it was huge and tall, it had the prettiest ornaments on it they've ever seen.

"pose hyunjin !!" seungmin said stretching out his phone doing a small kissy face. hyunjin stared at seungmin and cupped his cheek, turning it to face him. he kissed seungmin. so lovingly, all their love was captured in this one movement. it was like a bliss. they then pulled away to catch a breath.

"christmas trees sure do light up your life.."

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