chapstick ☁️

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seungmin and hyunjin were both laying in bed,  hyunjins head on seungmins shoulder. seungmin felt his lips, they were so dry and he kept licking them which just made it feel worse. he got up so abruptly that it worried hyunjin.

"what happened baby ?" hyunjin watched as seungmin got up to his drawer. seungmin pulled out a strawberry light pink tinted chapstick and put some on his lips. he was rubbing his lips together and pouted after. he shut the chapstick and walked back to their bed with it.

"my lips were just a bit dry." seungmin layed back down. hyunjin looked up at seungmin with his bright sparkly eyes and felt his lips.

"hmmm, my lips are a little dry too. can i get some chaptstick ?" hyunjin said in a playful voice.

"mm, sure." seungmin grabbed the chapstick beside him and was going to hand it to hyunjin, then he saw his face. he had his lips puckered out next to seungmins face.

"hey ! just take it weirdo.." seungmin threw the chapstick at him and turned around, with his back faced hyunjin.

"come on babyyy~ give me some !" hyunjin made kissy noises next to seungmins red ear. seungmin turned around and gave a quick peck and faced his back against hyunjin once again.

"that wasn't enough princess." hyunjin felt his lips. seungmin then turned around and placed a soft kiss on hyunjins lips, hyunjin kissed back of course. it tasted just like strawberry's and was so sweet. seungmin pulled out of the kiss and made a small smile.

hyunjin put a strand of seungmins hair behind his ear, "thank you baby."

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